Arquivo de Publications - CEsA

Working Paper 202/2025: Manual básico SPSS: como o utilizar de forma rápida e fácil


This manual aims to explain a quick and effective way to use IBM SPSS Statistics for data entry, management and analysis. In other words, the way in which data can be approached in the field of social sciences using descriptive statistics, demystifying its use.

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Sangreman, Carlos; Raquel Faria e Nuno Cunha .(2025). “Manual básico SPSS: como o utilizar de forma rápida e fácil”. CEsA/CSG – Documentos de trabalho nº 202/2025

A Opinião Pública e a Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento Portuguesa


Almost 20 years after the first public opinion poll on the role of Development Cooperation, particularly Portuguese Cooperation, we have launched a new study to find out what Portuguese society thinks about this sector, at a time when a new strategic cycle of Portuguese Cooperation is underway. In this sense, the Association for Cooperation Between Peoples (ACEP) proposed to the Centre for African and Development Studies of the Lisbon School of Economics and Management (CEsA/ISEG) and to the Department of Social Sciences and Territorial Policies of the University of Aveiro (DCSPT/UA) a process of updating knowledge about Portuguese public opinion, in order to provide a more reliable view of opinions in this area and better plan strategies for dialogue and public debate with different sectors of society, including national political decision-makers and journalists.

The Portuguese Cooperation Strategy 2030 highlights, among other things, the importance of communication with society and the visibility of the sector to allow for greater understanding and recognition of its role in the calculation of Portuguese public policies. In fact, in Portugal, Development Cooperation continues to occupy a residual space in the political debate, especially at the level of the Assembly of the Republic and the media, and there are still difficulties in approaching and working systematically with Portuguese MPs and journalists and in placing the issues of Development and International Cooperation in the media.

Over the last 20 years, International Development Cooperation has undergone profound changes, which Portuguese Cooperation has not been immune to. Although it is a policy about which there is little institutional debate at national level, it is a crucial sector in the way Portugal relates to the world, particularly with some of the countries with which it maintains strong bilateral relations, such as the PALOP and East Timor. This relationship does not only involve the State, but also involves a wide range of sectors, both public and private, for-profit and non-profit, approaching Development Cooperation in different ways and giving rise to different types of relationships.

This survey did not come about in a vacuum and is naturally not immune to the current international context, which is particularly adverse and poses additional challenges to Development Cooperation. However, this public policy has a unique role in promoting Development, peace and human rights. Current conflicts, in particular the wars in Gaza and Ukraine (which marked the return of war to Europe), the disrespect for and discredit of International Law and multilateralism, as well as the rise of populist discourse throughout the world and, particularly in Europe, are elements that characterise the environment in which Development Cooperation needs to continue to assert itself and strengthen itself as the noblest expression of the foreign policy of States and international institutions.

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ACEP & CEsA (2024). “A Opinião Pública e a Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento Portuguesa”. ISBN 978-989-8625-35-9

Working Paper 201/2025: A Glance at International Challenges of Refugee Crises in the New Millenium


This study investigates the intricate relationship between forced displacement and human development. By examining refugee outflows from key regions, this paper seeks to comprehend the factors driving these movements and their development implications. Employing a qualitative case study methodology, the research focuses on the five main refugee outflow countries in 2023. The paper finds that the most relevant factors that induce displacement are political violence, especially civil conflict, and climate change. Refugee emergencies have multiple aggravating elements, like economic crises, food insecurity, and infrastructure damage. Despite not identifying strong correlations between displacement and human development (measured through HDI), except for Syria, the study reveals that these emergencies are simultaneously humanitarian and developmental challenges. Repercussions are more prominent in the Global South since it is the origin and the destination of over 70% of displaced people. The findings reiterate the urgency for integrated policy responses that combine development and humanitarian efforts.

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Rocha, Marcela e Eduardo Moraes Sarmento (2025). “A glance at international challenges of refugee crises in the new millenium”. CEsA/CGS – Documentos de trabalho nº 201/2025

Entre eu e Deus by Yara Costa: An Unprecedented Representation of the Island of Mozambique


This article aims to dissect the documentary Entre eu e Deus with the primary objective of demonstrating that the director sets out to challenge images, representations and crystallized perceptions of the Island of Mozambique, Mozambican cultural identity and Islamic fundamentalism, and that she succeeds in doing so. The article consists of two main sections. The first provides a brief historical context of the Island of Mozambique and examines some visual representations that predate the documentary under analysis. Here, I pay particular attention to Licínio Azevedo’s documentary on the Island of Mozambique as a relevant antecedent of Yara Costa’s work. The second part provides a detailed analysis of Entre eu e Deus, demonstrating the director’s unprecedented representation of the Island of Mozambique.

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Falconi, J. (2024). Entre eu e Deus by Yara Costa: An Unprecedented Representation of the Island of Mozambique. Portuguese Studies 40(2), 175-188.

Claude Meillassoux em Moçambique: a propósito de uma carta a Marcelino dos Santos


Claude Meillassoux, the founder of French economic anthropology, and Marcelino dos Santos, an important leader of the Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo), met in Paris in the 1950s, when they were both studying with the Africanist Georges Balandier. In 1977, the year of Meillassoux’s first visit to Mozambique, their relationship was renewed, this time under a critical and controversial tone. That year, Frelimo had transformed itself into a “Marxist-Leninist” vanguard party and was on the verge of creating a series of organizations in favor of the establishment of “people’s power” and socialism. Meillassoux would become a keen observer of this process. This article reconstructs the vicissitudes of his trip, promoted by the Franco-Mozambican cooperation and the Center for African Studies at Eduardo Mondlane University. Immediately after his visit, Meillassoux sent Marcelino dos Santos a highly critical letter concerning the course of the Mozambican revolution. The article also analyzes the content of this letter and its main anthropological and political implications.

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Macagno, L. (2024). Claude Meillassoux em Moçambique: a propósito de uma carta a Marcelino dos Santos. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 50(1), e45089.

African women’s trajectories and the Casa dos Estudantes do Império


This article compares the trajectories of different women who crossed the Casa dos Estudantes do Império (CEI), a formal institution created in Lisbon by students from the colonies with the support of the Portuguese dictatorial regime in 1944, that became a platform for anti–colonialism. Due to the role played by the CEI in the political and social paths of the leaders of African national liberation movements, historiography has privileged masculine accounts. In contrast, the roles and lives of women linked to the CEI remain unexplored or approached from a vision of “methodological nationalism”, with few exceptions. Addressing these trajectories from a transnational and “Afro–Iberian” lens and through the scrutiny of several sources allows us to reflect on a diversity of gender, race, class, and political ideology. The final aim is to illuminate some aspects of the Afro–Iberian mosaic from a gendered and postcolonial perspective.

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Falconi, J. (2024). African women’s trajectories and the Casa dos Estudantes do Império In: Ethnicity and Gender in Portugal and Spain. volume 47, issue 7 (2024), pp. 1403-1419

Uma viagem sobre a investigação e a inovação no turismo


This chapter aims to succinctly outline the evolution and trends in the type of research that has been conducted, its connection to knowledge innovation issues, and, above all, whether this trend aligns with the major lines of action in the tourism sector at the international level. Fifty years after April 1974, tourism has established itself both globally and nationally as a resilient and impactful activity on multiple levels, as well as a strategic instrument for strengthening development between countries and peoples.

As a corollary of this dynamism, there has also been a growing recognition of the importance of its role in professional, polytechnic, and university education, as well as the role attributed to research in this field. Research serves as a means to contribute to a thorough understanding of tourism’s significance, informed decision-making, and, naturally, the preparation of a well-trained workforce capable of navigating a highly competitive global market.

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Sarmento, E. (2024). Uma viagem sobre a investigação e a inovação no turismo. In António Abrantes, Turismo em 50 anos de democracia (Parte IX- Ensino, Formação e Investigação no Turismo. Cap. 49, pp.398-406). ISBN: 978-989-693-188-9. Lisboa: Pactor/LIDEL

The Indian Ocean and the Portuguese-Speaking World: Literary and Cultural Intersections


Working from the premise that the Indian Ocean shapes new transnational imaginative geographies, this volume analyses how visual and written narratives from Lusophone, or rather «Lusotopic», spaces – Portugal, Mozambique, East Timor and Goa – point to productive critical dialogues with existing theories in Indian Ocean studies. The conceptual and epistemological revision presented in the book allows for the emergence of different theoretical constellations that are not solely based on the opposition between coloniality and the postcolonial condition, nor grounded upon the concept of linguistic or national identity, pointing to a set of original critical developments within the area of Indian Ocean studies.

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Leite, A., M., Brugioni, E., Falconi, J., Banasiak, M. (2025). The Indian Ocean and the Portuguese-Speaking World. Literary and Cultural Intersections. Oxford, United Kingdom: Peter Lang Verlag. Retrieved Dec 13, 2024, from 10.3726/b17729

Brief Paper 1/2024: Reposicionamento do activismo político e social em Moçambique: Uma análise conjecturando a eclosão de conflitos sociopolíticos


This Brief Paper discusses the repositioning of political and social activism in Mozambique within a context heavily characterised by the active participation of citizens in the 2023 elections, a stark contrast to previous elections, which were largely marked by weak political and social activism. In this context, the Brief Paper argues that this repositioning is linked to the fact that the Mozambican population has acquired a new political and social awareness, marked by a quest for truth and authenticity in their leaders. This repositioning also reflects the population’s readiness to confront state power and entails two domains of analysis with harmful consequences for the Mozambican government: the domestic domain and the external domain. This occurs because the population increasingly shows a diminished fear of repression carried out by the police and military. Moreover, this repositioning has highlighted the existence of a latent and ongoing conflict between the current Mozambican government and the 1990–2000 generation. Methodologically, two tools supported this analysis: bibliographical techniques and documentary analysis. Theoretically, the Brief Paper is grounded in Maslow’s Basic Needs Theory, combined with the Frustration-Aggression Theory from conflict studies. Finally, the conjectures presented in this Brief Paper suggest that the current Frelimo government has lost legitimacy in the eyes of the people, particularly among the 1990–2000 generation. However, there are also conjectures based on the assumption that Frelimo retains legitimacy through two analytical perspectives: a traditional perspective and an institutional perspective. These two perspectives complement each other and justify Frelimo’s continued hold on power.

Cite this Brief Paper:

Chisseve, Delton (2024). “Reposicionamento do activismo político e social em Moçambique : uma análise conjecturando a eclosão de conflitos sociopolíticos”. CEsA/CGS – Brief Papers nº 1/2024

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