
Common causes in grassroot development: a case for community-based and community-driven response in the postpandemic era
The purpose of Common causes in grassroot development: a case for community-based and community-driven response in the postpandemic era is to determine the impact of community-based and driven approaches during the lockdowns and early periods of the pandemic. The study examines the impact and perceptions of the state-led intervention. This would help to discover a better approach for postpandemic interventions and policy responses. This article used the inductive method and gathered its data from surveys. In search of global opinions on COVID-19 responses received in communities, two countries in each continent with high COVID-19 infection per 100,000 during the peak period were chosen for study. In total, 13 community workers, leaders and members per continent were sampled. The simple percentile method was chosen for analysis. The simple interpretation was used to discuss the results. The study showed that poor publicity of community-based interventions affected awareness and fame as most were mistaken for government interventions. The study found that most respondents preferred state interventions but preferred many communities or local assessments of projects and interventions while the projects were ongoing to adjust the project and intervention as they progressed. However, many preferred community-based and driven interventions.
Patrick-Agulonye, U.V. (2021). “Common causes in grassroot development: a case for community-based and community-driven response in the postpandemic era” Fulbright Review of Economics and Policy, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 186-204.

State of the Art About COVID-19’s Impact on Santiago University, Cape Verde
The COVID-19 pandemic has become a critical challenge for the higher education sector worldwide. Under such a circumstance, the exploration of the capacity of this sector to adapt to such a state of uncertainty has become of huge importance. In this chapter, State of the art about COVID-19 impact in Santiago University – Cape Verde, the authors critically reflect on the Cape Verdean teaching experience during the early COVID-19 lockdown. This is an exploratory case study based on a qualitative approach with an aim to reflect on new practices of teaching under a pandemic emergency. Based on the teaching experience of teaching in Santiago University, they explain how this university has changed from a face-to-face to an online teaching system and stress the challenges and opportunities that appear from this transition process. This chapter concludes that this strategy has become an opportunity to the university since it consistently raised the number of international students cooperating with them and also that the more adaptive and resilient approaches to online teaching were also a success.
Sarmento, E., Monteiro, J. (2021). Capítulo 16: State of the art about COVID-19 impact in Santiago University – Cape Verde. In Loureiro, Sandra & Guerreiro, João (eds.) Handbook of Research on Developing a Post-Pandemic Paradigm for Virtual Technologies in Higher Education. ISBN13: 9781799869634; ISBN10: 1799869636. IGI Global (Q2, SJR:0,338)

Sources and consequences of teachers’ stress during the Covid-19 pandemic
The covid-19 pandemic has had serious and unprecedented consequences on multiple facets of education. Teachers, students, schools and families have been affected, and the impacts of the pandemic will spill over into the future as well. The aim of Fontes e consequências do stress dos professores durante a pandemia da Covid-19 is to identify and explain the sources and consequences of teachers’ work-related stress and burnout during the pandemic, as well as their job and life satisfaction. Three sources of stress are considered: changes in organisation, content and amount of work; student behaviour and performance; and technostress. The empirical research is based on an original online survey applied to public school teachers (ISCED 2 and 3) in Portugal. Information is collected for four periods: before the pandemic; in the first school closure period in 2020 (16 March-16 September); in the second school closure period in 2021 (15 January-5 April); in the survey period (June-July 2021). The data collected include characteristics and changes about: teachers and their families; job satisfaction, stress and burnout; life satisfaction; working time and teaching duties; work-life balance; teaching goals, methods and outcomes; job stress; conditions for doing remote teaching; expectations for the 2021-22 school year. The results show that teachers’ work stress increased during the pandemic, with student behaviour and performance being a relevant explanatory factor. Difficulties in reconciling work and personal time are also predictors of teachers’ work stress. There are also signs of increasing burnout.
Pato, S., & Fontainha, E. (2021). Fontes e consequências do stress dos professores durante a pandemia da Covid-19. Revista Portuguesa De Investigação Educacional, (22), 1-17.

Coronacrise 2020: que crise?
The forecasts already published by national and international institutions on the impact of Covid-19 on economies confirm what had already been anticipated: deep falls in product and employment, fuelled by the joint reduction in consumption, investment and international trade, with consequent effects on deficits and public debt. Coronacrise 2020: que crise? discusses the economic crisis triggered by Covid-19, namely in its particularities and in the common elements with the economic crisis that preceded it. In particular, the elements of connection with the 2008-2009 crisis are discussed, with emphasis on the comparison between the responses that were given at that time and the responses that are currently being given, seeking to highlight the differences between the more active intervention of the European Central Bank and the hesitant and contradictory intervention of national and European institutions with responsibility for fiscal policy. We highlight the need for an economic recovery plan, with a European dimension and integrating national specificities, as well as the need for a change in attitude regarding the role of economic policy, that should favor a long-term expansionist perspective instead of the contractionary perspective which has conditioned European macroeconomic management in recent years.
Mendonça, A. (2020). “Coronacrise 2020: que crise?”. Lusíada. Economia & Empresa, nº 28 (2020), pp. 11-41.

Europe at the crossroads of the COVID-19 crisis: integrated macroeconomic policy solutions for an asymmetric area
The economic crisis triggered by the COVID–19 pandemic once again raises doubts about the eurozone’s ability to deal with joint economic problems given its dissimilar dynamics and asymmetries. Europe at the crossroads of the COVID-19 crisis: integrated macroeconomic policy solutions for an asymmetric area contributes to a paradigm shift in the governance of the euro area towards a more comprehensive and integrated approach. Two dimensions of this paradigm are considered. First, the need for a change in the economic policy concerning the recovery, from a supply-push to a demand-pull orientation, supported on a fiscal and monetary policy mix, integrated within a comprehensive macroeconomic approach. Second, we examine the need for a shift in external relations towards a more global integration-oriented policy, with the euro area positioning itself as an alternative to the current polarization between the United States and China. Our conclusions point to: (i) giving priority to growth and employment; (ii) promoting long-term economic sustainability based on integrated macroeconomic policies, the reduction of income concentration, and the reconstitution of strong middle classes; (iii) reorientating international relations into a perspective of cooperation; (iv) reinforcing regulation and global governance; and (v) eliminating exceptional situations and ways to evade economic controls.
“Mendonça, A. and Vale, S. (forthcoming). “Europe at the crossroads of the COVID-19 crisis: integrated macroeconomic policy solutions for an asymmetric area”, (co-autoria com Vale, S.), in New challenges for Eurozone Governance: Are there joint solutions for common threats? (Edit. José Caetano, Isabel Vieira, and António Caleiro), London: Springer. ISBN-10:3030623718″

COVID-19 and Human Rights in a Fragile State: Guinea-Bissau
COVID-19 and Human Rights in a Fragile State: Guinea-Bissau aims to study the situation of Human Rights during the Covid-19 pandemic in Guinea-Bissau, between January 2020 and January 2022. The research organized an inquiry to families, another to companies and another to market/street sellers about the effects of the pandemic and the measures enacted by the Government and Presidency to contain it. A public hearing was also organized, with various entities from the High Commissioner to trade unions, journalists, students, women associations, and the Public Order Police, for information on how each institution saw its situation and action in this period. The conclusions of the analysis of all these qualitative and quantitative data allow us to affirm a) the social actors agreed with the main measures the authorities took to contain the disease; b) the must referred complaint was the lack of any support from the authorities to households, companies and sellers: c) the fragility of Guinea-Bissau has such a social weight that a disease that killed fewer people than malaria, diarrhea, or tuberculosis, did not overcome the problems of human rights stemming from poverty, institutional fragility, and low incomes in general.
Sangreman, C., Faria, R. T., & Turé, B. (2022). COVID-19 and Human Rights in a Fragile State: Guinea-Bissau. In P. Andrade, & M. Martins (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Urban Tourism, Viral Society, and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 341-360). IGI Global.

Covid-19 and Human Rights in a fragile state : Guinea-Bissau
COVID-19 and Human Rights in a Fragile State: Guinea-Bissau aims to study the situation of Human Rights during the Covid-19 pandemic in Guinea-Bissau, between January 2020 and January 2022. The research organized an inquiry to families, another to companies and another to market/street sellers about the effects of the pandemic and the measures enacted by the Government and Presidency to contain it. A public hearing was also organized, with various entities from the High Commissioner to trade unions, journalists, students, women associations, and the Public Order Police, for information on how each institution saw its situation and action in this period. The conclusions of the analysis of all these qualitative and quantitative data allow us to affirm a) the social actors agreed with the main measures the authorities took to contain the disease; b) the must referred complaint was the lack of any support from the authorities to households, companies and sellers: c) the fragility of Guinea-Bissau has such a social weight that a disease that killed fewer people than malaria, diarrhea, or tuberculosis, did not overcome the problems of human rights stemming from poverty, institutional fragility, and low incomes in general.
Sangreman, C., Faria, R. T., & Turé, B. (2022). COVID-19 and Human Rights in a Fragile State: Guinea-Bissau. In P. Andrade, & M. Martins (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Urban Tourism, Viral Society, and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 341-360). IGI Global.

A Rede Cáritas em Portugal e a Resposta à Covid-19
A Rede Cáritas em Portugal e a Resposta à Covid-19 analyzes the importance of the social action of the Cáritas Network in Portugal in an unexpected and health emergency context, by documenting the organization’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. An analysis is made of the continuity actions, but also of the innovations that emerged during the first year of the pandemic. With a presence that covers all the districts of Mainland Portugal and Islands, the Cáritas Network in Portugal developed, for the first time, a National Program of direct support to families in the form of goods and food stamps, as well as occasional and urgent financial support intended for payment of basic needs such as rent, health and electricity expenses, to a considerable number of beneficiaries (10,444 people, 3,205 families). The study shows that the Cáritas Network in Portugal was able to continue the food support activities and occasional support that it was already developing, given a greater demand from families: 60% of people who sought support from Cáritas in this period had never resorted to this kind of help.
Pais Bernardo, Luís, Ana Luísa Silva, Renata Vieira de Assis e Luís Mah (Coord.). 2021. “A Rede Cáritas em Portugal e a Resposta à Covid-19”. Estudo Cáritas / CEsA-ISEG. Lisboa: Cáritas Portuguesa. Agosto.

A dialética da primazia pela acomodação brasileira, a economia-mundo capitalista e o choque do novo coronavírus
A dialética da primazia pela acomodação brasileira, a economia-mundo capitalista e o choque do novo coronavírus by Marcelo José Moreira seeks to insert a conceptual proposal which, although initial and immersed in a reflection of an eminently analytical nature, suggests a way of abstracting how Brazilian underdevelopment-dependency is structured in the present-time, from an accommodationist perspective.
The capitalist world-economy is immersed in a generalized inertia. A movement of slow accumulation, low investment, limited growth rates, but with a high level of profit, and which is given by intense pressure on the levels of existing inequalities, combining a worldwide restructuring of wealth and income generation with a workforce pattern of reproduction to the level of its limited maintenance. Inertia that is verified, mainly, from the financial-productive crisis of the first decade of the 2000s. Brazil is not oblivious to this inertia and its consequences. This essay aims, from a conceptual reflection at first, to discuss, secondly, elements that characterize what we call the structure of Brazilian Accommodation.
Moreira, Marcelo José (2021). “A dialética da primazia pela acomodação brasileira, a economia-mundo capitalista e o choque do novo coronavírus”. Comunicação apresentada no 15º Colóquio Brasileiro em Economia Política dos Sistemas-Mundo: Pandemia e tendências seculares da economia-mundo capitalista , Florianópolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina