Arquivo de Publications - Page 7 of 37 - CEsA
Resiliência em Países Frágeis - uma investigação exploratória em curso

Working Paper 187/2022: Resiliência em Países Frágeis – uma investigação exploratória em curso


Resiliência em Países Frágeis – uma investigação exploratória em curso started in 2017 when the director of a service directorate of the Joint Research Center, at ECAS in Geneva, invited Prof. Carlos Sangreman to an exploratory study on resilience in Guinea-Bissau with the title Context specific risk perception and resilience patterns for individuals and communities (urban/non-urban) – the case of people in Guinea-Bissau. The study was carried out on the basis of the survey whose form is included in this Working Paper, gave rise to the attached article in an international journal and to a PhD thesis in progress at the University of Aveiro. The partnership between JRC and Cesa also involved Professor Alexandre Abreu and Master Jessica Santos, as well as Carlos Sangreman. From the JRC were Chistophe Quétel, Guy Bourdin and Ilektra Lemi. A survey was conducted in all regions and capital of the country to 210 households, with a previous pilot to 36 to refine the questionnaire in this partnership: project Enquêtes de terrain sur la perception du risque et la résilience des ménages en Guinée-Bissau Projet: Ares(2018)2381703 – 04/05/2018. Centre Commun de Recherche (JRC) de la Commission Européenne, Direction E, and CESA – Centre for Studies on Africa and Development of the University of Lisbon.



Sangreman, C., Martins, D., Quetel, C. Abreu, A. e Bourdin, G. (2022). “Resiliência em Países Frágeis – uma investigação exploratória em curso”. CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisboa – Documentos de Trabalho nº 186/2022

Estado, Nação e Etnicidades em Moçambique

Working Paper 186/2022: Estado, Nação e Etnicidades em Moçambique


The processes of state and nation building begin soon after independence and establish a link between them, although each has its own logic. While the nation refers to collective identity, the State refers to the existence of a central-level political authority, respected throughout the territory. As evidenced during the text, a significant part of the State structure that emerged after national independence was the result of the Portuguese colonial legacy, idealized by FRELIMO’s ruling elite and implemented as a project of formation of the “New Man”, which occurred in an imperative way and through uniformizing policies. Estado, Nação e Etnicidades em Moçambique analyses the process of State and Nation building in Mozambique, whose population is characterised by a diversity of ethnicities. The first section presents a reflection on the foundations, the main actors and the actions towards the formation of the nation-state. In the second, we discuss the relationship between nationalism and socialist ideology, the latter interpreted in the post-independence period as the only path that would lead to development and to a society free from exploitation. With the 1990 constitution, a new order of political and economic liberalisation came into force. We seek to critically examine the political process underway in the country, in defiance of the dominant conceptions in the media, government, business and academic circles. To this end, we rely on bibliographic research and official documents, in addition to the experiences of two scholars who develop work in Quelimane, capital of Zambézia province in central Mozambique.



De Melo, C. M., Material Alves, G. e Martins, M. D. (2022). “Estado, Nação e Etnicidades em Moçambique”. CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisboa – Documentos de Trabalho nº 186/2022

As Perspetivas de Cooperação Económica entre Portugal e a China

As Perspetivas de Cooperação Económica entre Portugal e a China


As Perspetivas de Cooperação Económica entre Portugal e a China exposes how Since the state visit of President Xi Jinping to Portugal in December 2018, a framework for diplomatic relations between Portugal and China has been established, with a high level of cooperation in areas such as economy and trade, investment and finance, energy, technology, blue economy, education and culture. Of the 17 cooperation protocols signed then between Portuguese and Chinese governmental and private institutions, one is of particular relevance because it structures in a very significant way the level of cooperation between the two countries and its framework in the new global context. I am referring to the cooperation protocol between the governments of Portugal and China, within the framework of the Silk Road Economic Belt Initiative and the New 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The presence of Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa at the “Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation”, which was held in Beijing from 25 to 27 April 2019, confirms the importance of the signing of this protocol and the prospects for economic cooperation that it opens, both in bilateral and multilateral relations. According to the signed document, the vision of the multilaterality of this cooperation is expressed with regard to other EU countries but implicit in the relationship with other Portuguese-speaking countries, mostly African developing countries, with the Belt and Road Initiative (IFR) focusing especially on connectivity between countries aimed at sustainable development objectives.



Fernanda Ilhéu (2019), As Perspetivas de Cooperação Económica entre Portugal e a China. O Economista-Anuário da Economia Portuguesa, 32ª Edição, Ordem dos Economistas, ISBN 1646-9909, pp:40-45, Lisboa.

De Escravos a Indígenas: o Longo Processo de Instrumentalização dos Africanos (Séculos XV-XX)

De escravos a indígenas: O longo processo de instrumentalização dos africanos (séculos XV-XX)


De Escravos a Indígenas: o Longo Processo de Instrumentalização dos Africanos (Séculos XV-XX), which brings together a set of texts written over forty years and dispersed in publications of diverse nature, not always easily accessible, aims to contribute to a renewal of historiography on the relations between Portugal and Africa, in the specific field of the forms of instrumentalisation of Africans carried out by the Portuguese for almost five centuries. A long process, whose internal nature proved capable of metamorphosis and reconversion in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, ensuring the continuity of the violent ‘use’ of African populations, resorting to a new classificatory apparatus – savages, indigenous, assimilated – aimed at keeping Africans within the sphere of Portuguese domination, contributing to legitimising their enslavement and fixing distorting interpretations of History.
If a first line of study aims to review the history of slavery and slave trafficking and their ideologies in spaces of Portuguese ‘occupation’ like Angola, a second line of study privileges iconographic documents as historical sources, emphasizing their historical and informative dimension. Finally, the third line of this study seeks to highlight the evolution of the process of Portuguese instrumentalisation of Africans, which resorts to unprecedented classificatory categories – savage, indigenous, assimilated – and to practices that emerge from the slave labour of the past to ensure the colonial exploitation of African populations.
Value judgments, commodification, objectification, exploitation, ridiculing of African men fabricated Portuguese imaginaries that reduced the black/African to slavery, the savage/indigenous to lazy, thieving and drunk, the assimilated/’civilised’ to a ridiculous and negative copy of the white/Portuguese, enshrining the inferiorization of Africans, and in the same movement, glorifying the Portuguese ‘race’, hierarchizing the humanities and valuing the dimension and nature of the Portuguese actions, first slave-owning and then colonialist, that have left their mark on Portuguese society to this day.



Henriques, Isabel C., De Escravos a Indígenas: o Longo Processo de Instrumentalização dos Africanos (Séculos XV-XX), Lisboa, Ed. Caleidoscópio, 2019.

Qualidade da Justiça na Guiné-Bissau. Avaliação e recomendações

Qualidade da Justiça na Guiné-Bissau. Avaliação e recomendações.


The debate on justice is fundamental to understanding the conditions for the realisation of fundamental rights. The reflection on justice and human rights in Guinea-Bissau, which permeates the project “Cooperation in the Promotion of Human Rights: the case of Justice in Guinea-Bissau in the Rights Observatory”, promoted by ACEP and CEsA and funded by Camões-ICL, is part of the work of both organisations with the Guinean League of Human Rights in the Rights Observatory. Since 2015, this Observatory has been collecting and analysing data, throughout the territory of Guinea-Bissau, on the realisation of social and economic rights, and the reflection on justice represents a contribution to stimulating debate and knowledge on one of the most important monitoring areas for the country’s development. Furthermore, ACEP participated, as an associated organisation, in a project of the Guinean Human Rights League on impunity in Guinea-Bissau, and researchers from CEsA have carried out research and published articles on justice, the State and international cooperation in this country. Qualidade da Justiça na Guiné-Bissau. Avaliação e recomendações was prepared based on the ideas and preparatory texts of a report for UNDP in 2015 on the quality of justice in Guinea-Bissau. This update sought, through some fieldwork with magistrates and judicial officials, to understand whether or not the instability that the country experienced between 2015 and 2019 allowed for some improvements in the quality of justice in Guinea-Bissau. It also included data collected by projects after 2015 on the population’s relationship with justice in general. At the same time, the option of not dealing with traditional justice was maintained, focusing only on the state justice system.



Sangreman, Carlos e Luis Vaz Martins (2019). “Qualidade da Justiça na Guiné-Bissau. Avaliação e recomendações”.In Justiça e direitos humanos na Guiné-Bissau, Debates e Perspetivas. ISBN 978-989-8625-18-2, 2019, ACEP e CESA, Lisboa.

Acesso a Justiça, Direitos e Prisões na Guiné – Bissau. Dados e Perceções 2010-2018

Acesso a Justiça, Direitos e Prisões na Guiné – Bissau. Dados e Perceções 2010-2018


The debate on justice is fundamental to understanding the conditions for the realisation of fundamental rights. The reflection on justice and human rights in Guinea-Bissau, which permeates the project “Cooperation in the Promotion of Human Rights: the case of Justice in Guinea-Bissau in the Rights Observatory”, promoted by ACEP and CEsA and funded by Camões-ICL, is part of the work of both organisations with the Guinean League of Human Rights in the Rights Observatory. Since 2015, this Observatory has been collecting and analysing data, throughout the territory of Guinea-Bissau, on the realisation of social and economic rights, and the reflection on justice represents a contribution to stimulating debate and knowledge on one of the most important monitoring areas for the country’s development. Furthermore, ACEP participated, as an associated organisation, in a project of the Guinean Human Rights League on impunity in Guinea-Bissau, and researchers from CEsA have carried out research and published articles on justice, the state and international cooperation in this country. Acesso a Justiça, Direitos e Prisões na Guiné – Bissau. Dados e Perceções 2010-2018 aims to contribute to the understanding of the evolution of access to justice by the population in Guinea-Bissau over the last 18 years of the 21st century, based on existing documents, data collected by the Observatory of Rights, the Justice Support Centres (CAJ) and surveys, projects and studies that collect data on this theme even though it is not their main focus.



Sangreman, Carlos, Bubacar Turé e Rita Cavaco (2019). “Acesso a Justiça, Direitos e Prisões na Guiné – Bissau. Dados e Perceções 2010-2018”.in Justiça e direitos humanos na Guiné-Bissau, Debates e Perspetivas. ISBN 978-989-8625-18-2, 2019, ACEP e CESA, Lisboa.

Violência e Morte na poesia de José Craveirinha

Violência e Morte na poesia de José Craveirinha


In this second article of the journal “Do Colonialismo ao Patriarcado: Representações da Violência nas Literaturas Africanas”, Violência e Morte na poesia de José Craveirinha, Ana Mafalda Leite (CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisboa) studies the representation of elements related to violence and death in José Craveirinha’s poetry. The last books by José Craveirinha, published during his life, Babalaze das Hienas (1992) and Maria (1998) deal with the theme of death, apparently from different points of view. In fact, the publication of unpublished books in the last phase of his life included, besides these two books, a first edition of Maria (1988). The previous books, Xigubo, Karingana ua Karingana and Cela 1, which have also been re-edited, are part of the poetic production made during the colonial period. Craveirinha, always writing, but shy of publication, bequeathed us Babalaze and Maria as the result of his writing in post-colonial times, although we know, however, that other material exists, still unpublished. The books in question have in common a similar formal trait, short poems, almost epigrammatic inscriptions, as a result of a daily proximity to the experience of death, on the one hand of the beloved woman, in the case of Maria, and on the other hand of death resulting from the civil war, in the case of Babalaze das Hienas.



Leite, Ana Mafalda. “Violência e Morte na poesia de José Craveirinha”. In Do Colonialismo ao Patriarcado: Representações da Violência nas Literaturas Africanas, 33-42. 2020.

Resenha de Janela para o Índico. Poesia Incompleta (1984-2019)

Resenha De Janela Para O Índico. Poesia Incompleta (1984-2019), De Ana Mafalda Leite


Resenha de Janela para o Índico. Poesia Incompleta (1984-2019) focuses on the most recent poetic anthology by Ana Mafalda Leite, published in Portugal by the Cape Verdean/Portuguese publishing house Rosa de Porcelana. We cannot fail to point out that the book appeared on the publishing scene in 2020, that is, in the year dramatically marked by the global pandemic of the new coronavirus, so the window mentioned in the title acquired an even more suggestive sense of freedom and openness. The anthology is organised into nine sections, which correspond to the books previously published by the author, from which a wide and careful selection was made, and a section with two unpublished texts. Thus, this Window witnesses a path of thirty-five years of poetic writing. A journey that is parallel to an equally long and consolidated career as a teacher and scholar of literature and cinema from the five Portuguese-speaking African countries. It is worth mentioning that Ana Mafalda Leite’s poetic writing has been the object of growing appreciation and recognition by the critics and the public. Her poetic texts have been included in various academic publications – in addition to anthologies and literary magazines – such as Itinerâncias and Vozes femininas de África, among others. In 2015 she was awarded the Femina1 prize for her poetic production, and in 2011 her poems were translated into English and published in the volume Stained Glass. Poetry from the Land of Mozambique, organized by Luís Rafael Mitras. It should also be noted that a selection of poems, from Janela para o Índico, will soon be published in Italian translation, on the initiative of Roberto Francavilla.



Falconi, J. (2021). Resenha De Janela Para O Índico. Poesia Incompleta (1984-2019), De Ana Mafalda Leite, Caderno Seminal 38.1, p. 418-443

Tackling food insecurity in Cabo Verde Islands: the nutritional, agricultural and environmental values of the legume species

Tackling Food Insecurity in Cabo Verde Islands: The Nutritional, Agricultural and Environmental Values of the Legume Species


Legume species are important food sources to reduce hunger and deal with malnutrition; they also play a crucial role in sustainable agriculture in the tropical dry islands of Cabo Verde. To improve the knowledge of the heritage of plant genetic resources in this Middle Income Country, Tackling food insecurity in Cabo Verde Islands: the nutritional, agricultural and environmental values of the legume species had three main goals: (i) to provide a checklist of food legumes; (ii) to investigate which species are traded in local markets and, based on field surveys, to compare species for their chemical, phenolic, antioxidant, and nutritional composition; and (iii) to discuss the agronomic value and contribution to food security in this archipelago. Our results revealed that 15 species are used as food and 5 of them are locally traded (Cajanus cajanLablab purpureusPhaseolus lunatusPhaseolus vulgaris, and Vigna unguiculata). The role of these species as sources of important minerals, antioxidants, and nutritional components for food security is highlighted, and the native ones (Lablab purpureus and Vigna unguiculata) stand-out as particularly well-adapted to the climate of these islands, which are already experiencing the adverse effects of climate change. We conclude that the sustainable use of these genetic resources can contribute to the reduction of hunger and poverty, thus meeting some challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals.



Brilhante, M., Varela, E., Essoh, A.P, Fortes, A., Maria Cristina Duarte, M.C., Monteiro, F., Ferreira, V., Correia, A. M., Duarte, M.P; Romeiras, M. M (2021). Tackling food insecurity in Cabo Verde Islands: the nutritional, agricultural and environmental values of the legume species. Nutrients, 13. MDPI. Pag. 17.

Exploring the role of norms and habit in explaining proenvironmental behavior intentions in situations of use robots and AI agents as providers in tourism sector

Exploring the Role of Norms and Habit in Explaining Pro-Environmental Behavior Intentions in Situations of Use Robots and AI Agents as Providers in Tourism Sector


In a pandemic situation, with climate change around the world, studies that analyse changes in travel patterns are welcome. Exploring the role of norms and habit in explaining proenvironmental behavior intentions in situations of use robots and AI agents as providers in tourism sector combines three theories to propose a model on pro-environmental behavioural intentions, namely, the theory of planned behaviour, the value-belief-norm theory and the habit theory. This study aims to examine the role of social norms, personal norms and force of habit in explaining pro-environmental behaviour intentions. The authors collected 316 usable questionnaires from tourists in the well-known tourist location of Belem, Lisbon. Personal norms were revealed to have the strongest association with pro-environmental behaviour intentions, followed by force of habit. The study also identified different broad challenges to encourage sustainable behaviours and use them to develop new theoretical propositions and directions for future research. Finally, the authors outlined how practitioners aiming to encourage sustainable consumption behaviours can use this framework to achieve better outcomes.



“Sarmento, E., Loureiro, S. (2021). Exploring the role of norms and habit in explaining proenvironmental behavior intentions in situations of use robots and AI agents as providers in tourism sector. Sustainability. 13, 13928.

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