Arquivo de Publications - Page 7 of 39 - CEsA

Human Branding: From attachment strength to loyalty


Human branding is everywhere and within every individual. With the increase in the importance of technology and social media, human branding becomes increasingly relevant, but it is still a branding concept with much room to explore. Celebrities, such as actors and athletes, are the greatest examples of human brands, and with social media managing public image is key to success. This study aims to analyze the process by which attachment strength influences loyalty through intimate and public engagement. Thus, a sample of 321 participants, collected through social media platforms, allowed us to treat data and test the hypotheses of the proposed model. Relatedness is the most relevant driver of attachment strength and the flow from attachment to loyalty through public engagement.



Loureiro, Sandra Maria Correia … [et al.] (2023) “Human Branding: From attachment strength to loyalty”. Journal of Marketing Communications, DOI: 10.1080/13527266.2023.2245826

Portugal’s Inequality Regime: Many contradictions, multiple pressures


This paper applies the concept of inequality regime, in the tradition of the Regulation School, to the analysis of the patterns and drivers of socioeconomic inequality in Portugal in the last few decades. Key empirical patterns are identified with respect to income inequality, top and bottom incomes, wealth inequality, monetary poverty and non-commodified provision of basic goods. We then discuss several underlying processes and mechanisms, namely the capital-labour relation, classification struggles, financialisation, redistribution, and welfare, to account for the identified empirical patterns. We conclude that Portugal’s inequality regime is remarkably contradictory and argue that the country’s success in curbing most measures of inequality in recent times is especially vulnerable to a variety of pressures.



Abreu, A. (2023). “Portugal’s Inequality Regime: Many contradictions, multiple pressures”. Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 130:127-156

Tourism Competitiveness in Cape Verde: The case of Tarrafal/Santiago


The study of competitiveness has been constantly gaining importance in recent decades. Cape Verde Government elected Tarrafal as a development hub of tourism competitiveness. Since the empirical validation of competitiveness Cape Verde is still shortfall, so the current research aims to analyze the determinants of competitive advantage of tourism in Tarrafal. To achieve this goal, it was adopted a qualitative methodology based on a sample of the major 136 key players in the tourism area and the creation of four working groups during Tarrafal Technical Days (1 and 2 July 2022) to better discuss these issues. The discussion of the nal conclusions from each working group, allowed to systematize some major development alternatives to Tarrafal as a strategic tourism hub. Major implications for managers were also presented, such as the importance to develop and reinforce cultural traditions, reinforce entrepreneurship in order to maximize the tourism chain value through the implementation of better infrastructures (better roads, a maritime port as well as an aerodrome), diversify the tourist o er based on di erent segments (culture, nature, sports, events, remote working among others) and bene t other regions and municipalities around the county.



Sarmento, Eduardo Moraes e José Luís Mascarenhas Monteiro (2023). ” Tourism competitiveness in Cape Verde : the case of Tarrafal/Santiago”. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 42:117-132

Exploring Co-creation Process in the Wineries: The relevance of social partner characteristics


In a global market, the exchange is regarded as one of the most important strategic resources that are critical for business company success (Hammervoll 2012; Johnson 1999; Powers and Reagan 2007). Hence, it is not a surprise that producers, distributors, retailers, customers, and even competitors join forces to co-create value solutions. With the business environment becoming more competitive, a dyadic perspective of buyer–seller relations is increasing. Partners should be concerned about joining forces and working together to improve their joint performance and add value to their offers (Cannon et al. 2010). In sum, the success of a company can be influenced by the style of the relationship that is developed with other players (Arranz and de Arroyabe 2012; Cunha, Loureiro, and Rego 2015a; Monteiro, Guerreiro and Loureiro 2019; Terpend and Ashenbaum 2012). Following this appeal for research, this chapter aims to explore how distributors and wine producers describe the personal and organizational social capabilities as facilitating facets of relationship quality (RQ) (it is an issue that depends on confidence, satisfaction, commitment, and trust). The wine sector is selected as a field of research because it has unique features which have not yet been deeply studied and could explain management specificities: 1 Portugal is an old wine country full of tradition and heritage, ‘in which the wine culture has been flourishing for centuries’ (Loureiro and Kaufmann 2012, p. 331). 2 The wine sector has not been deeply analyzed and studied in previous research. 3 This sector plays an important role in the national economy, and the recognition of the quality of the work carried out in this sector is being acclaimed internationally. This chapter is organized as follows: after this introduction of our topic research, we present the theoretical background that supported this study, followed by a description of the methodology. The following sections discuss research findings from the empirical study, and the implications for managers of this study are discussed. Finally, limitations and new research directions are suggested.



Sarmento, E. M, Loureiro, S. M. C., and Cunha, N. Exploring Co-creation Process in the Wineries: The relevance of social partner characteristics. In: Dixit, S.K. (Ed.). (2022). Routledge Handbook of Wine Tourism. Routledge.

Lições de macroeconomia: uma introdução


The book that is now being published, in the form of lessons in macroeconomics, is the result of 3 years of work in teaching the discipline of Economics II, of the degrees in Economics, Mathematics Applied to Economics and Management and General Studies, at the Instituto Superior of Economics and Management at the University of Lisbon. These Macroeconomics Lessons are the result of a pedagogical experience of teaching an introductory-level subject and the objective is to facilitate the transmission of knowledge in a subject that is nonetheless complex, but which is indispensable in the training of any economist or manager. The approach presented in this book reflects three methodological options that aim to make it more attractive and user-friendly for its readers. The first is the search for the greatest possible clarity and simplification in the presentation of concepts and theories. The second is the purpose of making the distinction between the model of reality and reality understood. The third is the inclusion of the Portuguese economic reality in virtually all chapters, either as a reference for the discussion of concepts, which acquire a concrete and quantified dimension in this way, or as a specific object of macroeconomic analysis. Aimed primarily at students starting their university education, these Lessons do not fail to go further in dealing with the issues, and may be useful to all those who, regardless of their motives, wish to acquire an introductory vision of contemporary macroeconomic analysis.


Mendonça, António (Coordenador) e Vitor Magriço … [et al.] .(2021) . “Lições de macroeconomia: uma introdução”. Edições Silabo, Lisboa: p. 451.

The primacy of accommodation in the Brazilian economy


The capitalist world-economy is immersed in a generalized inertia. A movement of slow accumulation, low investment, limited growth rates, but with a high level of profit, and which takes place through intense pressure on existing levels of inequality, combining a global restructuring of wealth and income generation with a reproduction of the workforce in terms of its limited maintenance. Inertia that can be seen, mainly, from the productive-financial crisis of the first decade of the 2000s. Brazil is not oblivious to this inertia and its consequences. This article intends, from a conceptual reflection, to discuss the elements that characterize what I call the accommodation structure of the Brazilian economy.



Moreira, Marcelo José (2021). “A primazia pela acomodação da economia brasileira”. Revista de Economia da UEG. 17(2), p. 44-65

Estudo da cadeia de valor do setor do turismo em Angola – 1ª Edição


Tourism has grown steadily at an international level, both in terms of the number of tourists and in terms of revenue generated. However, Angola has not followed this trend, so it is not surprising that the weight of tourism in the country’s GDP is reduced (less than 1% in 2018). This situation is all the more serious as the countries in the region all have a much higher contribution from tourism to the GDP than Angola. The aim of this report is to identify the main weaknesses of the value chain that underpins tourism activity and to propose a set of measures and recommendations to be implemented within the scope of PRODESI.


Sarmento, Eduardo Moraes e PAHL Consulting (2020). Estudo da cadeia de valor do sector do turismo em Angola. Volume 1. Banco Africano de Desenvolvimento e Ministério da Economia e do Planeamento.

Working Paper 95/2011: Feiras Livres e Mercados no Espaço Lusófono: Perspectivas de um estudo em psicologia social


This communication proposes a reflection on the research methods to be applied in the study “Feiras Livres e Mercados no Espaço Lusófono: Perspectivas de um estudo em psicologia social”. The interest in the field is due, in the first place, to the type of study to be carried out and to the singularities of the proposed project, such as the fact that it will be carried out in the cities of Bissau, Praia and São Paulo, involving researchers from different areas of science and propose a field work with the subjects. Fairs and markets constitute the empirical objective of this study, presenting themselves as important universes of human activity and survival that mark the urbanity of capitals in the Portuguese-speaking space. The aim is to study the components and conditions for building a work base that will enable workers in markets and fairs to generate income through work in micro-enterprises. The study must identify and describe the material and psychosocial conditions that made it possible to become a worker in these free markets, building and acquiring the knowledge to be included in this work activity.



Évora, Iolanda. 2011. “Feiras Livres e Mercados no Espaço Lusófono: Perspectivas de um estudo em psicologia social”. Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão – CEsA Documentos de Trabalho nº 95-2011.

O Oriente é um bordado oculto na história de Moçambique: Entrevista com Ana Mafalda Leite

In this interview, Ana Mafalda Leite discusses the Indian Ocean and the East, as well as their meanings for Mozambican literature and for her poetic and academic trajectory.

National Social Identity in Guinea-Bissau: An Exploratory Essay Inspired by the Methodology of J. Cheek, S. Briggs, S. Smith and L. Tropp


The research (supported by the Centre for African and Development Studies of the University of Lisbon) is defined as exploratory and aims to evaluate whether the methodology of inquiry and analysis of the identity of J. Cheek, S. Briggs, S. Smith and L. Tropp, can be adapted to a fragile state like Guinea-Bissau. This methodology consists in the assessment of the importance attributed by the respondents of 70 sentences from which the characteristics of individual and social identity (family and collective) are extracted (Cheek, J. M. & Briggs, S. R.). The phrases were sent by digital means to 102 Guineans known in person or only by Facebook with a request for response and dissemination and obtained 183 responses. These answers, calculated according to the methodology adopted, allowed to define some identity characteristics of the respondents. We tried to interpret these results using other surveys conducted since 2014 in Guinea-Bissau with different themes. It is concluded by realizing that this is a method that can contribute to the knowledge of the national identity of Guineans, but insufficient. This conclusion remains to be demonstrated if it is carried out with a statistically significant sample.



Sangreman, C., Faria, R., & Magalhães, J. (2023). National Social Identity in Guinea-Bissau: An exploratory essay inspired by the methodology of J. Cheek, S. Smith and L. Tropp. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 10(5).148-171.

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