Arquivo de Human Rights - Page 2 of 2 - CEsA

Human Rights

Observando Direitos na Guiné-Bissau: Educação, saúde, habitação, água, energia, saneamento, justiça, meios de subsistência


Sangreman, C. (2017). Observando Direitos na Guiné-Bissau – educação, saúde, habitação, água, energia, saneamento, justiça, meios de subsistência. Lisboa: ACEP, com LGDH e CEsA. ISBN 978-989-8625-16-8

Observando Direitos na Guiné-Bissau: Educação, saúde, habitação, água, energia, saneamento, justiça, meios de subsistência


Sangreman, C. (2016). Observando Direitos na Guiné-Bissau – educação, saúde, habitação, água, energia, saneamento, justiça, meios de subsistência. Lisboa: ACEP, com LGDH e CEsA. ISBN 978-989-8625-14-4

Observando Direitos na Guiné-Bissau: Educação, saúde, habitação, água, energia, justiça


Sangreman, C. (2015). Observando Direitos na Guiné-Bissau – educação, saúde, habitação, água, energia, justiça. Lisboa: ACEP, com LGDH e CEsA. ISBN 978-989-8625-07-6.

Qualidade da Justiça na Guiné-Bissau. Avaliação e recomendações

Qualidade da Justiça na Guiné-Bissau. Avaliação e recomendações.


The debate on justice is fundamental to understanding the conditions for the realisation of fundamental rights. The reflection on justice and human rights in Guinea-Bissau, which permeates the project “Cooperation in the Promotion of Human Rights: the case of Justice in Guinea-Bissau in the Rights Observatory”, promoted by ACEP and CEsA and funded by Camões-ICL, is part of the work of both organisations with the Guinean League of Human Rights in the Rights Observatory. Since 2015, this Observatory has been collecting and analysing data, throughout the territory of Guinea-Bissau, on the realisation of social and economic rights, and the reflection on justice represents a contribution to stimulating debate and knowledge on one of the most important monitoring areas for the country’s development. Furthermore, ACEP participated, as an associated organisation, in a project of the Guinean Human Rights League on impunity in Guinea-Bissau, and researchers from CEsA have carried out research and published articles on justice, the State and international cooperation in this country. Qualidade da Justiça na Guiné-Bissau. Avaliação e recomendações was prepared based on the ideas and preparatory texts of a report for UNDP in 2015 on the quality of justice in Guinea-Bissau. This update sought, through some fieldwork with magistrates and judicial officials, to understand whether or not the instability that the country experienced between 2015 and 2019 allowed for some improvements in the quality of justice in Guinea-Bissau. It also included data collected by projects after 2015 on the population’s relationship with justice in general. At the same time, the option of not dealing with traditional justice was maintained, focusing only on the state justice system.



Sangreman, Carlos e Luis Vaz Martins (2019). “Qualidade da Justiça na Guiné-Bissau. Avaliação e recomendações”.In Justiça e direitos humanos na Guiné-Bissau, Debates e Perspetivas. ISBN 978-989-8625-18-2, 2019, ACEP e CESA, Lisboa.

Acesso a Justiça, Direitos e Prisões na Guiné – Bissau. Dados e Perceções 2010-2018

Acesso a Justiça, Direitos e Prisões na Guiné – Bissau. Dados e Perceções 2010-2018


The debate on justice is fundamental to understanding the conditions for the realisation of fundamental rights. The reflection on justice and human rights in Guinea-Bissau, which permeates the project “Cooperation in the Promotion of Human Rights: the case of Justice in Guinea-Bissau in the Rights Observatory”, promoted by ACEP and CEsA and funded by Camões-ICL, is part of the work of both organisations with the Guinean League of Human Rights in the Rights Observatory. Since 2015, this Observatory has been collecting and analysing data, throughout the territory of Guinea-Bissau, on the realisation of social and economic rights, and the reflection on justice represents a contribution to stimulating debate and knowledge on one of the most important monitoring areas for the country’s development. Furthermore, ACEP participated, as an associated organisation, in a project of the Guinean Human Rights League on impunity in Guinea-Bissau, and researchers from CEsA have carried out research and published articles on justice, the state and international cooperation in this country. Acesso a Justiça, Direitos e Prisões na Guiné – Bissau. Dados e Perceções 2010-2018 aims to contribute to the understanding of the evolution of access to justice by the population in Guinea-Bissau over the last 18 years of the 21st century, based on existing documents, data collected by the Observatory of Rights, the Justice Support Centres (CAJ) and surveys, projects and studies that collect data on this theme even though it is not their main focus.



Sangreman, Carlos, Bubacar Turé e Rita Cavaco (2019). “Acesso a Justiça, Direitos e Prisões na Guiné – Bissau. Dados e Perceções 2010-2018”.in Justiça e direitos humanos na Guiné-Bissau, Debates e Perspetivas. ISBN 978-989-8625-18-2, 2019, ACEP e CESA, Lisboa.

COVID-19 and Human Rights in a Fragile State: Guinea-Bissau

COVID-19 and Human Rights in a Fragile State: Guinea-Bissau


COVID-19 and Human Rights in a Fragile State: Guinea-Bissau aims to study the situation of Human Rights during the Covid-19 pandemic in Guinea-Bissau, between January 2020 and January 2022. The research organized an inquiry to families, another to companies and another to market/street sellers about the effects of the pandemic and the measures enacted by the Government and Presidency to contain it. A public hearing was also organized, with various entities from the High Commissioner to trade unions, journalists, students, women associations, and the Public Order Police, for information on how each institution saw its situation and action in this period. The conclusions of the analysis of all these qualitative and quantitative data allow us to affirm a) the social actors agreed with the main measures the authorities took to contain the disease; b) the must referred complaint was the lack of any support from the authorities to households, companies and sellers: c) the fragility of Guinea-Bissau has such a social weight that a disease that killed fewer people than malaria, diarrhea, or tuberculosis, did not overcome the problems of human rights stemming from poverty, institutional fragility, and low incomes in general.



Sangreman, C., Faria, R. T., & Turé, B. (2022). COVID-19 and Human Rights in a Fragile State: Guinea-Bissau. In P. Andrade, & M. Martins (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Urban Tourism, Viral Society, and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 341-360). IGI Global.

COVID-19 and Human Rights in a Fragile State: Guinea-Bissau

Covid-19 and Human Rights in a fragile state : Guinea-Bissau


COVID-19 and Human Rights in a Fragile State: Guinea-Bissau aims to study the situation of Human Rights during the Covid-19 pandemic in Guinea-Bissau, between January 2020 and January 2022. The research organized an inquiry to families, another to companies and another to market/street sellers about the effects of the pandemic and the measures enacted by the Government and Presidency to contain it. A public hearing was also organized, with various entities from the High Commissioner to trade unions, journalists, students, women associations, and the Public Order Police, for information on how each institution saw its situation and action in this period. The conclusions of the analysis of all these qualitative and quantitative data allow us to affirm a) the social actors agreed with the main measures the authorities took to contain the disease; b) the must referred complaint was the lack of any support from the authorities to households, companies and sellers: c) the fragility of Guinea-Bissau has such a social weight that a disease that killed fewer people than malaria, diarrhea, or tuberculosis, did not overcome the problems of human rights stemming from poverty, institutional fragility, and low incomes in general.



Sangreman, C., Faria, R. T., & Turé, B. (2022). COVID-19 and Human Rights in a Fragile State: Guinea-Bissau. In P. Andrade, & M. Martins (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Urban Tourism, Viral Society, and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 341-360). IGI Global.

Mobilidades Contemporâneas no Contexto Pós-Colonial: Mbembe, Glissant e Mattelart

Mobilidades Contemporâneas no Contexto Pós-Colonial: Mbembe, Glissant e Mattelart


Taking up again the idea of subject derived from the reading of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, concepts and worldviews will be mobilized that contribute to better understand contemporary mobilities. Reference is made to the process, the organization and the conditions in which current human mobilities are carried out to establish relationships between displacement, identity processes and narratives of belonging to places. In Mobilidades Contemporâneas no Contexto Pós-Colonial: Mbembe, Glissant e Mattelart we seek to observe this problematic from a paradigm interested in the possible positive effects, in the short and long term, of a change in the narrative on the international mobility of people. Armand Mattelart analyses, from the space of the city, the struggles of peoples and groups that question previously demarcated territories. To make his declared utopia viable, Édouard Glissant proposes the “creolisation of the contemporary world”, or the “All-World”, starting from the will born in the Caribbean archipelago, or rather, in mestizo America. Achille Mbembe, speaking of our condition of passers-by, of our common situation of vulnerability in the world, proposes a thought of passage, of crossing and circulation in which to inhabit is not to belong, refusing classifications that immobilise, in praise of an ethic that considers translation, misunderstandings and conflicts, recovering the body, the face, the word.



“Kowalewski, Daniele, Schilling, Flávia, Magalhães, Giovanna Modé, & Évora, Iolanda. (2019). Mobilidades Contemporâneas no Contexto Pós-Colonial: Mbembe, Glissant e Mattelart. Lua Nova: Revista de Cultura e Política, (108), 137-156. Epub November 28, 2019.

Observando direitos na Guiné-Bissau - Carlos Sangreman

Observando direitos na Guiné-Bissau: educação, saúde, habitação, água, energia, justiça, igualdade de género

The Rights Observatory integrated in a structure such as Casa dos Direitos is an example of what civil society can do in fragile social contexts, but where power respects the Right to Opinion (even if at some times there is repression of media outlets such as radios and television and a climate of threat to critics of the situation at the time). The data collected on access to Economic and Social Human Rights, disseminated through books and exhibitions, in order to be used by activists and responsible authorities, has even been the basis for academic research at undergraduate, master’s and, this year, doctoral levels, especially in Portugal and Brazil.



The objective of Observando direitos na Guiné-Bissau: educação, saúde, habitação, água, energia, justiça, igualdade de género and the Observatório dos Direitos in 2019 was to continue the collection of data on access to Economic and Social Human Rights in Guinea-Bissau with data comparable to those of 2016, and to include two innovations: a new chapter on Women’s Rights or Equality of Gender and perform data collection also in the Bolama/ Bijagós region.



Sangreman, Carlos [et al.] (2020). Observando direitos na Guiné-Bissau : educação, saúde, habitação, água, energia, justiça, igualdade de género. Lisboa: ACEP, com LGDH e CEsA. URL:


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Observando Direitos na Guiné-Bissau - Covid-19 e os Direitos Humanos: audição pública e pesquisa no SAB

Observando direitos na Guiné-Bissau: Covid-19 e os direitos humanos: audição pública e pesquisa no SAB


Observando Direitos na Guiné-Bissau – Covid-19 e os Direitos Humanos: audição pública e pesquisa no SAB intends to investigate the human rights situation during the Covid-19 pandemic in Guiné-Bissau between January 2020 and January 2022. The framework is based on documentary research on human rights in sub-Saharan Africa from the production of international and specialized organizations, and other non-governmental human rights defenders of the same period. For Guiné-Bissau, in addition to equal research, the communiqués and official bulletins of the “Hight commissariat for Covid-19” were also collected with the information of infected, hospitalized, recovered, deaths and vaccinations, as well as interviews with the newspapers of the Commissioner and the Secretary. With the concentration of cases in the capital, Bissau, the research organize a survey of families, of market sellers and of companies on the effects of the pandemic and the measures enacted by the Government/Presidency to contain. A public hearing was also organized in the House of Rights, with various entities ranging from the High Commissariat to Unions, journalists, and public order police to information about how each institution through its situation and action in this period. As conclusions of the analyses of all these qualitative and quantitative data, it is possible to affirm that Guinea-Bissau’s fragility has such a weight in Guinean society that a disease that has killed fewer people in the country than malaria, diarrhea or tuberculosis has not overlapped with problems arising in poverty and low incomes in general. It affected Human Rights by showing that it was already knew about the enormous shortcomings of the health system, but the effects were more graves on economic and social rights by the abrupt stagnation of economic international activity, the cooperation project, unemployment, and the rise of poverty than directly by the pandemic and measures adopted. The human rights of first generation, more political, freedom of the press and demonstration were affected, with arbitrary arrests and violence practiced by unidentified individuals intensifying the climate of impunity and feeling that the regime is becoming increasingly repressive, but it cannot be said that they were effects directly arising from the pandemic.



Sangreman, C., Turé, B. (2022). Observando Direitos na Guiné-Bissau – Covid-19 e os Direitos Humanos: audição pública e pesquisa no SAB. pag.93. Lisboa: ACEP, com LGDH e CEsA. ISBN 978-9898625-27-4

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