Arquivo de Working Papers - Page 21 of 21 - CEsA

Working Papers

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WP 1/1984: Uma experiência de integração económica em África

Working Paper 1/1984: Uma experiência de integração económica em África


The Working Papers collection consists of short monographs written by members and collaborators of CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisboa. These documents are provisional and aim to provide elements of information and scientific reflection on economic and social issues object of research of this Centre. ECOWAS – Uma experiência de integração económica em África , started as a 1983-1984 report by Eugénio Inocêncio and Manuel Ennes Ferreira in the subject of International Economic Organizations (5th year) taught by Dr. César Cortes in the Degree in Economics. Later on, its authors restructured the initial text in order to integrate it in this collection. It is this second modified version that is reproduced here. The work seeks to build a historical and current framework of ECOWAS, and provide elements that serve as a starting point for monitoring its evolution. Although not intending to be a theoretical study on integration in Africa, care was taken to organize the data considered to be the most relevant to include a set of more abstract aspects such as: i) regional leadership relationship (Lagos/Dakar •Abidjan); ii) changes in the world economy and economic integration in Africa; iii) economic integration in Africa and African economic nationalism (regionalism).



Inocêncio, Eugénio e Manuel Ennes Ferreira .1984. “Uma experiência de integração económica em África”. Instituto Superior de Economia. CEsA – Documento de Trabalho nº 1/84.

ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management

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1249-078 Lisboa

  +351 21 392 5983

