Sector privado, inovação e ODS
Title: Sector privado, inovação e ODS
Author(s): Bernardo, Luís Pais
Publication Date: 2020
Publisher: CEsA – Centro de Estudos sobre África e Desenvolvimento/ISEG
Quotation: Bernardo, Luís Pais (2020). Sector privado, inovação e ODS. Lisboa: CEsA – Centro de Estudos sobre África e Desenvolvimento/ISEG. URL:
Abstract: The central role of the private sector in international development cooperation is one of the innovations of the 2030 Agenda. In 2014, UNCTAD estimated the annual funding gap for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at US$2.5 billion. Following the Busan summit and the conclusions of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the capabilities, resources and skills of the private sector are no longer viewed with suspicion, but are seen as central to achieving the 17 SDGs. Innovation, as a pillar of the private sector in the 20th century XXI, is the new paradigm. In this report, we explore the reasons why companies can and should adopt business models aligned with the SDGs, in partnership with international cooperation actors. Partnerships are key to this transformation; today, business economic activity tends to move along global value chains in which the intervention of international cooperation for development, around the 2030 Agenda, will have an increased impact. In this context, the inclusive and responsible management of the acquisition of services and products on a global scale by companies, assumes an increasing importance. Partnerships, global value chains and procurement of goods and services are the three areas explored in this report.
Category: E-Book
In Sector privado, inovação e ODS, Luís Pais Bernardo explores the reasons why companies can and should adopt business models aligned with the SDGs, in partnership with international cooperation actors. Partnerships are key to this transformation; today, business economic activity tends to move along global value chains in which the intervention of international cooperation for development, around the 2030 Agenda, will have an increased impact. In this context, the inclusive and responsible management of the procurement of services and products on a global scale by companies becomes increasingly important. Partnerships, global value chains and procurement of goods and services are the three areas explored in this report.
The central role of the private sector in international development cooperation is one of the innovations of the 2030 Agenda. In 2014, UNCTAD estimated the annual funding gap for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at US$2.5 billion. Following the Busan summit and the conclusions of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the capabilities, resources and skills of the private sector are no longer viewed with suspicion, but are seen as central to achieving the 17 SDGs. Innovation, as a pillar of the private sector in the 20th century XXI, is the new paradigm. In this report, we explore the reasons why companies can and should adopt business models aligned with the SDGs, in partnership with international cooperation actors. Partnerships are key to this transformation; today, business economic activity tends to move along global value chains in which the intervention of international cooperation for development, around the 2030 Agenda, will have an increased impact. In this context, the inclusive and responsible management of the acquisition of services and products on a global scale by companies, assumes an increasing importance. Partnerships, global value chains and procurement of goods and services are the three areas explored in this report.
Bernardo, Luís Pais (2020). Sector privado, inovação e ODS. Lisboa: CEsA – Centro de Estudos sobre África e Desenvolvimento/ISEG. URL:
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