Working Paper CEsA nº 196/2023 analisa a conjuntura económica

Working Paper CEsA nº 196/2023 analyses the economic situation in Brazil from a perspective called “primacy for accommodation”

CEsA has published the Working Paper n. 196/2023, entitled “The Primacy for the Accomodation of the Brazilian Economy: A theoretical-methodological analysis”, in English, authored by Marcelo José Moreira, CEsA researcher and professor of the Universidade Estadual de Goiás (Brazil). This paper intends, from a conceptual reflection, to analyze the Brazilian economic situation, from what the author calls the “primacy for the accommodation of the Brazilian economy”.

Click here to access the Working Paper no. 196/2023.


The capitalist economy is immersed in generalized inertia. A movement of slow accumulation, low investment, limited growth rates, but with a high level of profit, and which is due to intense pressure on the levels of existing inequalities, combining worldwide restructuring of the generation of wealth and income to a pattern of reproduction of the labor force at the level of its limited maintenance. This inertia occurs, above all, from the financial-productive crisis of the first decade of the 2000s. Brazil is no stranger to this inertia and its developments. Therefore, this paper intends, from a conceptual reflection, to analyze the national economic conjuncture, from what I call the structure and primacy for the accommodation of the Brazilian economy.


Get to know the previous editions, published in 2023:

Working Papers Collection

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Working Paper 189/2023: Fragilities and shocks effects on households and communities in West Africa

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Working Paper 191/2023: Programas de transferência condicionada de rendimento e a viragem à esquerda na América Latina

Working Paper 192/2023: Tourism Master Plan for the Island of Santiago, Cape Verde: 2020-2030 – Part 1

Working Paper 193/2023: Tourism Master Plan for the Island of Santiago, Cape Verde: 2020-2030 – Part 2

Working Paper 194/2023: A Qualidade do Serviço e a Satisfação do Cliente: Estudo dos Clientes do Banco de Poupança e Crédito – Luanda (Angola)

Working Paper 195/2023: How Does Violent Extremism Influence Ethnic Identities? A Preparatory Study Of Mali


Author: CEsA Communications (
Images: CEsA/Reproduction