Special issue of the Review of African Political Economy, edited by Carlos Nuno Castel-Branco/CEsA, is open access until June 30th
The most recent special issue of the Review of African Political Economy (RoAPE), “Capital Accumulation, Financialisation and Social Reproduction in Mozambique” (vol 49, issue 171, March 2022), edited by Carlos Nuno Castel-Branco/CEsA and Elisa Grecco, can be freely downloaded until June 30, 2022. It provides a political economy critique of contemporary Mozambique, articulated around the analysis of the historical conditions under which its mode of capital accumulation was formed.

This issue contains articles by CEsA researchers, Carlos Nuno Castel-Branco, Ana Sofia Ganho and Diogo Maia, as well as five other researchers from research institutions in Mozambique, England and France, namely Rosimina Ali, Carlos Muianga, Natacha Bruna, Sara Stevano and Elisa Greco.
More about Carlos Nuno Castel-Branco:
Mozambican economist (born in Maputo, 1960). PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Economics (School of Oriental and African Studies, SOAS, University of London), MSc (Master of Sciences) in Development Economics (University of Oxford), MA (Master of Arts) in Industrial Development (University of East Anglia), P-GD (Post-Graduate Diploma) in Development Economics (University of East Anglia), GD (Graduate Diploma) in Development Studies (Eduardo Mondlane University). Visiting Associate Professor at the Lisbon School of Economics and Management, ISEG/ULisboa and at the Nova University of Lisbon, lecturing on macroeconomics II (economic growth), globalization & development, theories of development, development policies and politics, development economics and political economy. Researcher at CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisboa. He is a member of the Mozambican Academy of Sciences, of the Mozambican Association of Economists, of the Portuguese Association of Political Economy, and an editorial board member of the Journal of Southern African Studies and of the Review of African Political Economy. Research focus: paradoxes and limits of processes of capital accumulation in Africa in postcolonial contexts of uneven development of capitalism in the era of financialization. Of this broader research project emerged two research lines currently under way, one on financialization and premature de-industrialization in the African context, and another on international private finance and the dynamics of capital accumulation in Mozambique.
Author: CEsA Communications team (comunicacao@cesa.iseg.ulisboa.pt)
Image: RoAPE Reproduction