Jessica Falconi Routledge Studies in Cultural History guest editor

Jessica Falconi is a guest editor of the “Routledge Studies in Cultural History” Series


The Sub-director and researcher of CEsA, Professor Jessica Falconi, is one of the guest editors of the book The Colonial Periodical Press in the Indian and Pacific Ocean Regions, from the Routledge Studies in Cultural History series. The issue is dedicated to clarifying the crucial role of the periodical press in the advance of colonial print cultures and public debates in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The team of editors also includes Sandra Ataíde Lobo, Remy Dias, and Dave A. Smith.

The book is available for purchase on the publisher Routledge website (in this link) and also contains a chapter written by CEsA researchers Professor Ana Mafalda Leite and Vanessa Riambau Pinheiro, entitled “Caliban in the Indian Ocean: Rui Knopfli’s Role in the Mozambican Literary System”.

Abstract – The Colonial Periodical Press in the Indian and Pacific Ocean Regions

The Colonial Periodical Press in the Indian and Pacific Ocean Regions is a venture of the International Group for Studies of Colonial Periodical Press of the Portuguese Empire (IGSCP-PE), which also invests in comparative studies and conceptual discussions. Moving around urban shores of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, it approaches the crucial role of periodical press in the development of colonial print cultures and public debates in these regions. By being mostly focused on press from spaces and peoples under the domain of the Portuguese Empire, it addresses a bibliographical gap in international discussions moved by the field. The outcome reflects an investment in offering decentred and de-nationalized approaches to the colonial print cultures and press histories under study, working as a platform for regional dialogues and comparative perspectives. The studies presented allow a better understanding of transits and connections of both an imperial and a trans-imperial nature, contributing to the consolidation of comparative approaches in the studies of European empires and colonialisms.


Get to know our researchers

Jessica Falconi is Sub-Director of CEsA (2023-2025 Term). PhD in Iberian Studies at University of Naples “L’Orientale”. Her dissertation was about representation of national identity in mozambican poetry and was published in Italy in 2008. Between 2007 and 2013 she was lecturer at the same university in Portuguese and Brazilian Literature, and Portuguese Language and Translation. In 2017 she concluded her post-doctoral fellowship funded by FCT at the Center for African, Asian and Latin American Studies (CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisboa). She is Visiting Professor at Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona and coordinator of the Portuguese Language Center/IP Camões. She has published various articles in international journals and was co-editor of a book of interviews with Angolan and Mozambican writers. She is member of the team of the NILUS Project (CESA/FCT), Narratives of the Indian Ocean in the Lusophone Space.


Ana Mafalda Leite is the First Secretary of the CEsA General Assembly Board. Poet and essayist. Associate Professor with Aggregation at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon (FLUL-UL) with a Ph.D. in Portuguese Literature/African Literature in Portuguese (1989) and a Master’s degree in Brazilian and African Literature. She began her degree in Romance Philology at Eduardo Mondlane University and completed at FLUL in 1978. Since 2005, she has been an integrated research member of CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisboa. In her research activity within the framework of CESA, she directed three projects funded by the FCT on African Literature, Post-colonial and Cultural Studies, and Indian Ocean Studies (2008-2011; 2013-2015; 2016-2020), which resulted in several publications. She has contributed with her work to a critical dissemination of Portuguese-speaking African literature and developed activities as a researcher and visiting professor at several African, Brazilian, American, and European universities. Member of the Editorial and Scientific Board of several African studies journals. Member of the Mozambican Writers Association (AEMO) and Honorary Member of the Angolan Academy of Letters (AAL). His current research focus on Comparative African Literature, Environmental Humanities, World Literature, and Indian Ocean Studies.


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Eduardo Sarmento is elected director of CEsA; Jessica Falconi and Alexandre Abreu, sub-directors


Author: CEsA Communication (
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