Brand Identity - CEsA

Brand Identity

Get to know the brand identity of the Centre for African and Development Studies here.



The CESA logos available on this page should always be used with attention to the standards established in the manual. Changing the logo undermines the coherence and perception of the identity, compromising its objectives. In this sense, when using the logos, it is necessary to respect the integrity of the brand identity of CEsA, its formal and chromatic structure.

Horizontal Logo



Vertical Logo



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Brand Identity Guidelines

CEsA’s brand identity must always be preserved. Thus, this manual (PT) is a working tool, which illustrates and defines the uses of the graphic identity of the image / logo of the Centre for Studies on Africa and Development. It serves, therefore, for consultation and to clarify possible doubts as to the application of the graphic identity in the most varied of applications, be they printed material, electronic or others duly specified. The identity is elaborated as a whole, so that the set of its elements, be they of colour, typography or composition, contribute to building the graphic coherence of CEsA’s image. Therefore, the norms contained in this manual shall be respected.




ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management

Rua Miguel Lupi, nº20
1249-078 Lisboa

  +351 21 392 5983

