Take a look at the CEsA researchers that will participate in the Roundtables of EADI CEsA Lisbon Conference 2023
The largest European conference on Development Studies, the EADI CEsA Lisbon Conference 2023: Towards New Rhythms of Development, which will take place between the 10th and 13th of July 2023 at ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management, in Lisbon, will count on the presence of nine CEsA researchers on the conference’s programme, in the Roundtables 7 and 11. The Roundtable sessions are a platform for debating specific topics either in an academic or practice-oriented focus.
The Center for African and Development Studies (CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisbon) is the co-organiser of the event, which is being held in Lisbon, Portugal for the first time. The international conference is organised in every 3 years period by the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), since 1975. The event will be hold in hybrid format (in-person and online) and the registrations are open with prices between 95€ and 335€. There are discounts for EADI members and PhD students.
See below more detailed information on each Roundtable:
Roundtable 7 – New Rhythms of Development in African Literature and Arts
Consult the list of the CEsA researchers who will be participating in the Roundtables of EADI CEsA Lisbon Conference 2023:
Ana Mafalda Leite (Chair of the Roundtable 7: New Rhythms of Development in African Literature and Arts, 13 de julho, 14h30-16h)
Edvaldo Bergamo (Presenter of the Roundtable 7: New Rhythms of Development in African Literature and Arts, 13 de julho, 14h30-16h)
Fernanda Gallo (Presenter in the Roundtable 7: New Rhythms of Development in African Literature and Arts, 13 de julho, 14h30-16h)
Iolanda Évora(Presenter in the Roundtable 11: As Economias Informais e o Papel das Associações Comunitárias nas Periferias dos Maiores Centros Urbanos de Cabo Verde no Contexto da Pandemia de Covid-19, 12 de julho de 2023, 14h30-16h)
Jessica Falconi (Chair of the Roundtable 7: New Rhythms of Development in African Literature and Arts, 13 de julho, 14h30-16h)
Marta Banasiak (Presenter in the Roundtable 7: New Rhythms of Development in African Literature and Arts, 13 de julho, 14h30-16h)
Odair Barros-Varela (Chair of the Roundtable 11: As Economias Informais e o Papel das Associações Comunitárias nas Periferias dos Maiores Centros Urbanos de Cabo Verde no Contexto da Pandemia de Covid-19, 12 de julho de 2023, 14h30-16h)
Redy Wilson Lima (Chair of the Roundtable 11: As Economias Informais e o Papel das Associações Comunitárias nas Periferias dos Maiores Centros Urbanos de Cabo Verde no Contexto da Pandemia de Covid-19, 12 de julho de 2023, 14h30-16h)
Sara Laisse (Presenter in the Roundtable 7: New Rhythms of Development in African Literature and Arts, 13 de julho, 14h30-16h)
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Open Registrations for EADI CEsA Lisbon Conference 2023
Roundtables EADI CEsA Lisbon Conference 2023
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Author: CEsA Communication (comunicacao@cesa.iseg.ulisboa.pt)
Image: CEsA/Reproduction and EADI