
Watch all sessions of CEsA Thinks – Research Seminars 2023
The CEsA Thinks – Research Seminars 2023′ sessions were held between November 9 and December 7, 2023, at ISEG (Amphitheater 23, F1). Presentations were recorded and are now available on CEsA YouTube channel (access…

CEsA team wishes you Happy Holidays and a Joyful 2024!
CEsA Team wishes you Happy Holidays and a Joyful 2024! Click here to download our Seasons Greetings postcard. We would like to invite you to subscribe the CEsA Agenda (click here), our weekly…

Working Paper CEsA nº 196/2023 analyses the economic situation in Brazil from a perspective called “primacy for accommodation”
CEsA has published the Working Paper n. 196/2023, entitled “The Primacy for the Accomodation of the Brazilian Economy: A theoretical-methodological analysis”, in English, authored by Marcelo José Moreira, CEsA researcher and professor of the Universidade…

CEsA researcher Iolanda Évora is part of the Scientific Council of the 5th International Conference 2023 on diasporas and mobilities, taking place in Ivory Coast in November 2023
CEsA researcher and Professor at ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management Iolanda Évora (CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisboa) participates as a member of the Scientific Council of the V Colloque International 2023 – Diasporas et Mobilités:…

Jessica Falconi is a panelist in a webinar on the book The Colonial Periodical Press in the Indian and Pacific Ocean Regions
The researcher and Sub-Director of CEsA, Professor Jessica Falconi, will participate as a panelist in the 2023-2024 Webinar Cycle, on November 23rd, at 2.30 pm (UTC+0) (Zoom link:, to talk about the book…

Talk | Less Than 1%
On the 8th November, with the support of CEsA – Centre for African and Development Studies, a talk , ISEG will host a talk on “Less Than 1%”, an initiative which is an integral part of the Entrepreneurship…

CEsA Thinks 2023 – Research Seminars | November 9 – December 7, 2023, 6pm-8pm | ISEG – Amphitheatre 23 (F1)
The coordinators Vincent Agulonye and Daniel Adayi, the Centre for African and Development Studies (CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisboa) and the ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management, of the University of Lisbon (ULisboa), are pleased to invite…

Working Paper CEsA 195/2023 studies how violent extremism affects the ethnic identity of people in Mali
CEsA published its eighth Working Paper in 2023: “How Does Violent Extremism Influence Ethnic Identities? A Preparatory Study Of Mali”, in English, authored by Shigeyuki Hanaoka, CEsA Research Fellow. Click here to access the…

CEsA researchers Ana Mafalda Leite, Jessica Falconi and Doris Wieser are members of the Scientific Committee of the 1st International Conference on Cape Verdean Literature, taking place in Lisbon in 2024
CEsA researchers Ana Mafalda Leite, Jessica Falconi, and Doris Wieser (CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisboa) have joined the Scientific Committee of the First International Conference on Cape Verdean Literature, whose theme is “Critical History of Cape Verdean Literature –…

CEsA researcher Olga Iglésias presents an article on Samora Machel’s legacy at an International Conference in Mozambique
CEsA researcher Olga Iglésias (CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisboa) will present the article “O Legado Samoriano para uma nova Linha da Frente” (Samora Machel’s Legacy for a new Front Line, in English) between November 1st and 3rd, 2023 at the…