Arquivo de News - Page 5 of 16 - CEsA


Banner com o logótipo do centro e com as caras dos investigadores e órgãos sociais do CEsA
Eduardo Sarmento is elected director of CEsA; Jessica Falconi and Alexandre Abreu, sub-directors

  Eduardo Sarmento, professor at the Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG/ULisboa), coordinator of the Masters in Development and International Cooperation (MDCI/ISEG/ULisboa) and integrated researcher at CEsA (CSG/ISEG/ULisboa), succeeds Luís Mah as director of…

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Cinema and Decolonisation: Mozambique in focus | July 15th | Closing Session – Screening of the documentaries “The End”, “Kalunga”, and “La Finca del Medo”

  The Centre for African and Development Studies (CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisboa), within the scope of the Cinema and Decolonisation Cycle: Mozambique in focus (“Ciclo de Cinema e Descolonização: Moçambique em foco”, original title), is pleased to announce…

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EADI CEsA Lisbon Conference 2023 | July 12th | Roundtable 11: As Economias Informais e o Papel das Associações Comunitárias nas Periferias dos Maiores Centros Urbanos de Cabo Verde no Contexto da Pandemia de Covid-19

Roundtable 11 – As Economias Informais e o Papel das Associações Comunitárias nas Periferias dos Maiores Centros Urbanos de Cabo Verde no Contexto da Pandemia de Covid-19 July 12th, 2023 2:30 pm – 4 pm…

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EADI CEsA Lisbon Conference 2023 | July 13th | Roundtable 7: New Rhythms of Development in African Literature and Arts

Roundtable 7 – New Rhythms of Development in African Literature and Arts July 13th, 2023 2:30 pm – 4 pm (UTC+1) Room 04, Francesinhas 1, ISEG, Lisboa…

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EADI CEsA Lisbon Conference 2023 | July 11th | Harvest Panel 14: Exploring the Rhythms of Urbanisation and Conflict

Harvest Panel 14 – Exploring the Rhythms of Urbanisation and Conflict July 11th, 2023 4:30 pm – 6 pm (UTC+1) Room 10, Francesinhas 1, ISEG, Lisboa…

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EADI CEsA Lisbon Conference 2023 | July 13th | Harvest Panel 11: Women Entrepreneurs on the African Continent

Harvest Panel 11 – Women Entrepreneurs on the African Continent July 13th, 2023 9 am – 10:30 am (UTC+1) Sala 101, Francesinhas 1, ISEG, Lisboa…

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EADI CEsA Lisbon Conference 2023 | July 11th | Harvest Panel 7: Metamorphoses of Capitalism, Ecological and Social Crisis: questions and possibilities

Harvest Panel 7 – Metamorphoses of Capitalism, Ecological and Social Crisis: questions and possibilities 11 de julho de 2023 16:30h – 18h (UTC+1) Sala 105, Francesinhas 2, ISEG, Lisboa…

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EADI CEsA Lisbon Conference 2023 | July 12th | Seed Panel 34: New Food Policy for Sustainable Food Systems

Seed Panel 34 – New Food Policy for Sustainable Food Systems July 12th, 2023 2:30 pm – 4 pm (UTC+1) Sala 106, Francesinhas 1, ISEG, Lisboa…

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EADI CEsA Lisbon Conference 2023 | July 12th | Seed Panel 30: Rural/Urban Space in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Dynamics of Climate Change

Seed Panel 30 – Rural/Urban Space in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Dynamics of Climate Change July 12th, 2023 2:30 pm – 4 pm (UTC+1) Room 10, Francesinhas 1, ISEG, Lisboa…

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Take a look at the CEsA researchers that will participate in the Roundtables of EADI CEsA Lisbon Conference 2023

The largest European conference on Development Studies, the EADI CEsA Lisbon Conference 2023: Towards New Rhythms of Development, which will take place between the 10th and 13th of July 2023 at ISEG – Lisbon School…

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ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management

Rua Miguel Lupi, nº20
1249-078 Lisboa

  +351 21 392 5983