III Edition of the International Development Summer Course

III Edition of the International Development Summer Course

International Development Summer Course


The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Portuguese Platform of Non-Governmental Development Organizations (NGDO) and the Centre for African and Development Studies of Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Lisbon University (CESA/ISEG) are organizing the III Edition of the International Development Summer Course, which will take place online, from 15th to 17th of June 2021, under the theme “Challenging the future of Global Development”.

As an event focused on building knowledge, critical thinking and finding answers for questions and problems of an interdependent world, the International Development Summer Course, in its previous editions, has been enabling Portuguese and international development stakeholders to engage with the trends and challenges in Global Development. In an increasingly complex international development cooperation scope, views centered on the usual categories, traditional actors, power relations that emanate from the division between “rich countries in the North” and “poor countries in the South”, are becoming obsolete and inadequate to create a new world that “leaves no one behind”. When a global pandemic affects the way people connect, the way we dream of a better world is crucial to find new types of finance for development beyond aid, global regulations and knowledge dissemination.

Competences such as resilience, adaptability and openness are increasingly in demand to enable the design and the implementation of innovative approaches capable of dealing with the current social, economic, cultural and political challenges. “Challenging the future of Global Development” will be led by well-known, nationally and internationally, development thinkers and professionals.

The event will take place between the 15th and 17th of June 2021 and will have several public online sessions, with Portuguese and English translation, under the following topics:

  • Rethinking Development Cooperation for post-pandemic World;
  • Building Genuine and legitimate Partnerships;,
  • Liberal globalization paradigm in perspective: Democracy and economy;
  • Financing for Development: new trends on a multiplex world;
  • Trade Justice and Development: Sustainable production and consumption;
  • Public Sphere and Civic Space.

Interested participants will be able to sign up for all sessions or create their own program by registering only in their favourite panels.

Learn more and perform registration on NGOs Portuguese Platform website here.

ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management

Rua Miguel Lupi, nº20
1249-078 Lisboa

  +351 21 392 5983 


