Working Paper 177/2019: Terrorismo na União Europeia - CEsA
Publications Working Papers

Working Paper 177/2019: Terrorismo na União Europeia

Terrorismo na União Europeia

Title: Working Paper 177/2019: Terrorismo na União Europeia

Author(s): Galito, Maria Sousa

Publication Date: 2019

Publisher: ISEG – CEsA/CSG

Quotation: Galito, Maria Sousa (2019). "Terrorismo na União Europeia". Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão – CEsA/CSG Documentos de Trabalho nº 177-2019.

Abstract: The European Union has suffered several violent attacks. The text researches the impact of terrorism as a political the phenomenon, differentiating it from other types of organized crime, in a context of regional threats from the Mediterranean, jihadism and its consequences in the European Union (EU), besides issues like social exclusion related to the current migration crisis, the autonomic claims within the regional bloc and the spread of populism. The EU Counter-Terrorism Strategy is discussed. A critical analysis is made to the European Cybersecurity Strategy and to the New Strategic Agenda for 2019-2024 of the European Council.


Category: Working paper


The European Union (EU) has suffered several violent attacks. Terrorismo na União Europeia investigates the conceptualisation of terrorism as a political phenomenon, differentiating it from other types of organised crime, in a context of regional threats, coming from the Mediterranean, jihadism and its consequences in the EU, without forgetting issues such as social exclusion related to the current migration crisis, autonomous claims within the regional bloc and the spread of populism. The EU Strategy for Combating Radicalisation and Recruitment to Terrorism is discussed. A critical analysis is made of the European Cybersecurity Strategy and the European Council’s New Strategic Agenda for 2019-2024 with regard to counter-terrorism. The idea is to confront legislative measures and to review precedents, within the framework of the Security Union and the Defence Union. The critical analysis of EU action is made on the basis of the challenges identified by the European Commission for the Community future, considering the Strategic Agenda 2019/2024, in a disruptive environment, in which the Community institutions have tried to be effective or even innovative and forerunners in terms of policy change.



Galito, Maria Sousa (2019). “Terrorismo na União Europeia”. Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão – CEsA/CSG Documentos de Trabalho nº 177-2019.

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