Working Paper 176/2019: Ensaio sobre Política Externa Portuguesa
Publications Working Papers

Working Paper 176/2019: Ensaio sobre Política Externa Portuguesa

Ensaio sobre política externa portuguesa

Title: Working Paper 176/2019: Ensaio sobre Política Externa Portuguesa

Author(s): Galito, Maria Sousa

Publication Date: 2019

Publisher: ISEG – CEsA/ CSG

Quotation: Galito, Maria Sousa (2019). "Ensaio sobre política externa portuguesa". Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão – CEsA/ CSG - Documentos de Trabalho nº 176/2019.

Abstract: According to the specialized literature, Portuguese foreign policy is consolidated and has not changed much in the last four decades. Does this mean that its matrix, variables, and strategic vectors have not changed in the last few years? Has the geopolitical paradigm changed? This paper confronts the possibility of changing course, with the creative reformulation of the original vision.


Category: Working paper


In general, Portuguese foreign policy is “consolidated” and has not undergone “sudden changes of direction”. According to the national government, the founding matrix remains “well present and consolidated” although “denser, richer, broader”. What exactly does this mean? Our strategic vectors of foreign policy used to be three (Europe, Atlantic and Lusophony). Since the 1990s, some authors have admitted adding a complementary strategic pillar to the previous model. Which one? Three hypotheses. First, security, focusing on the international missions of the Portuguese Armed Forces within the framework of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), the EU (European Union) or the UN (United Nations). Secondly, cooperation, mainly technical and cultural, with Portuguese-speaking countries, but also with third countries. Thirdly, economic diplomacy, with exports, the diversification of the investment portfolio, the opening of the internal market to the world (and not only to the EU). According to specialized literature, Portuguese foreign policy is consolidated and has not undergone major changes in the last four decades. Does this mean that its matrix, variables and strategic vectors have not changed in recent years? Has the geopolitical paradigm changed? Ensaio sobre Política Externa Portuguesa confronts the possibility of a change of course, with that of the creative reformulation of the original vision. 



Galito, Maria Sousa (2019). “Ensaio sobre política externa portuguesa”. Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão – CEsA/ CSG – Documentos de Trabalho nº 176/2019.

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