Topics in Development Studies 2023: Between Realism and...

“Topics in Development Studies” 2023 | May 15th | Between Realism and Revolt: Governing cities in the crisis of Neoliberal Globalism | Jonathan Davies (De Montfort University)

The Center for African and Development Studies (CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisboa) and the coordination of the PhD in Development Studies (PDED) invite you to the eighth session of the cycle of seminars “Topics in Development Studies 2023”, which will have as its theme “Between Realism and Revolt: Governing cities in the crisis of Neoliberal Globalism” and will be presented by De Montfort University’s researcher Jonathan Davies (online participation) on May 15th, 2023, from 6 pm to 8 pm (UTC+1), at Room 1.2. at IGOT (Rua Branca Edmée Marques, Edifício IGOT, Cidade Universitária, 1600-276 Lisboa; Estação do metro: Cidade Universitária). Link Zoom:

About the event
The Seminars promote in-depth and advanced discussions on Development Studies and are an initiative within the scope of the PDED. The PhD is a joint program between ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management, ISA – Instituto Superior de Agronomia, ICS – Instituto de Ciências Sociais, and IGOT – Institute of Geography and Land Planning.

Seminars will take place from March 6th to June 5th, 2023, always on Mondays, from 6 pm to 8 pm (UTC+1), at Room 1.2. at IGOT (Rua Branca Edmée Marques, Edifício IGOT, Cidade Universitária, 1600-276 Lisboa; Estação do metro: Cidade Universitária). The 10 sessions will be in a hybrid format (in person and online) and with free admission.


Eighth session of the “Topics in Development Studies 2023” Seminars
Theme: Between Realism and Revolt: Governing cities in the crisis of Neoliberal Globalism
Presenter: Jonathan Davies (De Montfort University) – ONLINE
Date and time: May 15th 2023 (Monday), from 6pm to 8pm (UTC+1)
Hybrid event and with free admission
In person at Room 1.2. at IGOT (Rua Branca Edmée Marques, Edifício IGOT, Cidade Universitária, 1600-276 Lisboa; Estação do metro: Cidade Universitária)
Link Zoom:


Click on the image below to access the programme

Topics in Development Studies










Read more: 

“Topics in Development Studies 2023” Seminars return on March 6 with in-depth discussions on Development Studies

Playlist “Topics in Development Studies 2022” on CEsA’s YouTube channel


Author: CEsA Communication (
Image: CEsA/Reproduction

ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management

Rua Miguel Lupi, nº20
1249-078 Lisboa

  +351 21 392 5983

