Special report on Guinea-Bissau's seed keepers echo in the media

The Guardian and Público echo a special report on Guinea-Bissau’s seed keepers written within the scope of a grant awarded by ACEP and CEsA

Photo: Vanessa Rodrigues/The Guardian Reproduction

The Guardian – Global Development and Público – Azul Notícias have echo the special report “Ilhas Urok, Guiné-Bissau. As guardiãs de sementes dos Bijagós” (“Ilhas Urok, Guinea-Bissau. As guardians of Bijagós seeds”, in English), authored by the journalist and PhD in Studies in Communication and Development, Vanessa Rodrigues, and with the support of the NGO Tiniguena and the bijagó journalist José António Abúdu.

The special report was written within the scope of the Bolsa de Criação Jornalística sobre Desenvolvimento 2022 (2022 Journalistic Creation Scholarship on Development, in English), granted by the Associação para a Cooperação Entre os Povos (ACEP), in partnership with the Centre for African and Development Studies (CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisboa), and with the support of Camões, Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua.

Read the special report “Ilhas Urok, Guiné-Bissau. As guardiãs de sementes dos Bijagós” (in Portuguese), published on September 30, 2022 in the supplement Azul Notícias, from Público: https://www.publico.pt/2022/09/30/azul/noticia/ilhas-urok-guinebissau-guardias-seeds-bijagos-2022452

Listen to the podcast “Guardiãs de sementes e mulheres rurais na Guiné-Bissau: elas cuidam do futuro da terra” (in Portuguese), available on October 3, 2022 in the supplement Azul Notícias, from Público: https://www.publico.pt/2022/10/03/azul/noticia/guardias-sementes-mulheres-rurais-guinebissau-cuidam-futuro-terra-2022533

Read the English version of the special report, “’Seeds ensure our survival’: the women of Guinea-Bissau who keep vital plants and culture alive”, published on May 2nd, 2023 in the Global Development section of The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/may/02/women-of-guinea-bissau-who-keep-vital-plants-and-culture-alive?fbclid=IwAR1TPOq78otqShBOG-K0stzDeXSppA6WGQppYAYf-1xVPBVky3x47a19Gt8


Author: CEsA Communication (comunicacao@cesa.iseg.ulisboa.pt)
Image: Vanessa Rodrigues/The Guardian Reproduction

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