Luís Pais Bernardo presents a paper on development banks

CEsA researcher Luís Pais Bernardo presents a paper on regional development banks at the 8th WINIR Conference in Italy


CEsA researcher Luís Pais Bernardo (CEsA/CSG/ISEG/ULisboa) will present the article “Regional Development Banks and Private Sector Development Units” on September 21, 2023 at the 8th WINIR Conference – Institutional Innovation and Evolution Challenges to the Modern World Order, at University of Catania, Sicily, Italy. The paper will be presented within the scope of Session S4.4 – Industrial Policy, Room 4, Monastero dei Benedettini. The program can be checked out on the Conference website:


About our researcher

Completed the Master in Comparative Politics in 2009 by the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Degree in History in 2007 by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculty of Social and Human Sciences and Doctor (PhD) in Sociology on 2018/01/17 by Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. He has published 6 articles in specialized journals. He owns 2 book(s). He works in the areas of Social Sciences with an emphasis on Political Science. In his professional activities he interacted with 17 collaborators in co-authorship of scientific works.

More information on Luís Pais Bernardo research profile:

Get to know more about Luís Pais Bernardo scientific production:


Author: CEsA Communication Team (
Image: WINIR/Reproduction

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  +351 21 392 5983

