CEsA Events Calendar - September 2024

CEsA Events Calendar – September 2024


Check out CEsA events calendar for September:

📌 Workshop “Thinking Colonial and Geopolitical Relations in Digital Economies”
🗓️ September 6th (Friday), 10am-12pm e 2pm-4pm, at ISEG (Delta Room)
➕ Open to all

📌 Deadline for submission of abstract to the 12th Iberian Congress
🗓️ September 12th (Thursday)
🔗 More information: https://redestudiosafricanos.org/en/call-for-proposals-for-communications-at-ciea12-open-until-september-12-2024/

📌 Announcement of the Results of the CEsA Internal Funding for Small Research Projects
🗓️ By September 15th (Sunday)
🔗 More information coming soon on the CEsA website

📌 Launching of the Mundo Crítico #10 – “Development, Peace, and Conflicts”
🗓️ September 16th (Monday)
🔗 More information: https://mundocritico.org/

📌 MDCI Film debate and Welcome session – Screening of the documentary “A Place Once Called Home”
🗓️ September 18th (Wednesday), 6 pm, at ISEG (Auditorium 2)
➕ Open to all
🔗 More information: https://cesa.rc.iseg.ulisboa.pt/news/cesa-welcomes-the-2024-2025-academic-year-with-a-film-debate-session-on-18-september/

📌 Deadline for submission of papers to the Mundo Crítico #11 – “Women, Power, and Leadership”
🗓️ September 30th (Monday)
🔗 More information: https://mundocritico.org/2024/07/31/chamada-para-contribuicoes-mundo-critico-n-o-11-dedicada-as-mulheres-poder-e-liderancas/ (only in Portuguese)

❗To be confirmed: First session of the 2024 Ciclo de Cinema e Descolonização

Subscribe CEsA Agenda and stay up to date with all the news: https://ulisboa.us2.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=bfa3f17288a670b7ed9f4ccc8&id=702c1209fb

Author: CEsA Communication (comunicacao@cesa.iseg.ulisboa.pt)
Images: CEsA/Reproduction