CEsA - Centre for African and Development Studies

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CALL FOR FUNDING ALLOCATION CEsA Internal Funding for proofreading and translation of applications to international calls – 2024 CEsA is opening an internal call for funding allocation to support the proofreading and translation of applications…

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  📢 ❗ Attention: This workshop will take place in the Staples Room (Quelhas Building, 3rd floor) — not in the Delta Room as previously announced. ❗📢   CEsA – Centre for African and Development Studies and…

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  CEsA – the Centre for African and Development Studies (CSG/ISEG/ULisboa) will welcome the students of the Master’s in Development and International Cooperation and the 2024/2025 academic year with a Film Debate session and a…

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  Check out CEsA events calendar for September: 📌 Workshop “Thinking Colonial and Geopolitical Relations in Digital Economies” 🗓️ September 6th (Friday), 10am-12pm e 2pm-4pm, at ISEG (Delta Room) ➕ Open to all 📌 Deadline…

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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS CEsA Internal Funding for Small Projects – 2024 CEsA is opening a call for funding small research projects carried out by members of this research centre. The fundamental aim of this initiative…

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  The 12th Iberian Congress of African Studies, scheduled to take place on January 29, 30, and 31, 2025, at the University of Barcelona, is currently accepting proposals for presentations until September 12, 2024. CEsA…

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Free entry workshop on Digital Economies Workshop Thinking colonial and geo-political relations in digital economies: Mobile financial technology in everyday life
Date: September 6, 2024
Venue: Staples Room, ISEG (3rd Floor - Quelhas Building) ...
Sep 6 View Event
Film Debate and Welcome MDCI session Film Debate and Welcome MDCI session - Screening of the documentary A Place Once Called Home
Date: September 18, 2024 - 6 pm
Venue: Auditorium 2, ISEG ...
Sep 18 View Event
International Colloquium at University of Évora International Colloquium “O Português e as Línguas Nacionais nos Países Africanos e em Portugal (1975-2025). Meio Século do 25 de Abril em Portugal e da Independência das ex-Colónias Africanas”
Date: July 2nd to 4th, 2025
Venue: University of Évora ...
Jul 2025 View Event


Águas Pós-coloniais em Romances Angolanos e Moçambicanos Águas Pós-coloniais em Romances Angolanos e Moçambicanos Abstract:
This article aims at mapping the narrative role of water in Angolan and Mozambican literature, through the comparative reading of four novels: O desejo de Kianda (1995) by the Angolan Pepetela; O livro dos Rios (2006) by Luandino Vieira; Água: uma novela rural (2016) and
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A Cooperação Europeia para o Desenvolvimento em 2024: Desafios e perspectivas A Cooperação Europeia para o Desenvolvimento em 2024: Desafios e perspectivas Abstract:
In a year of European Parliament (EP) elections, and amid growing global uncertainty, the study “European Development Cooperation in 2024: Challenges and Perspectives” was created following the publication “The Future of International Development Cooperation: Fragmentation, Adaptation, and Innovation in a Changing World” (2021). In this
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A certificação de sustentabilidade na Indústria Têxtil Portuguesa: um estudo exploratório A certificação de sustentabilidade na Indústria Têxtil Portuguesa: um estudo exploratório Abstract:
This study analyzes sustainability certification in the Portuguese textile industry. The main objective is to map the current landscape of sustainable practices adopted by this crucial sector of the Portuguese economy, evaluating the implications, challenges, and benefits of certification in the contemporary economic and environmental
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Primeiro Passo Repensar: Um olhar sobre o consumo de moda sustentável dos jovens universitários em Portugal Primeiro Passo Repensar: Um olhar sobre o consumo de moda sustentável dos jovens universitários em Portugal Abstract:
Sustainable fashion consumption involves conscious choices in purchasing, using/maintaining, and disposing of each clothing item. Therefore, it is important to Rethink, Reject, Reduce, Repair, Reuse, and Recycle. This study aimed to understand the behaviors and environmental awareness of university students living in Portugal during the
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Algodão, uma fibra global Algodão, uma fibra global Abstract:
Cotton doesn’t lie. This well-known idiom in Portugal highlights how the most important natural fiber — both historically and commercially — has woven itself into our lives. Yet, while cotton doesn’t deceive, it does conceal. It’s more than just a fiber; it’s an entire global
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Perspetivas do desenvolvimento dos jovens residentes na Freguesia de Santa Clara em Lisboa, pós-pandemia Covid-19 Perspetivas do desenvolvimento dos jovens residentes na Freguesia de Santa Clara em Lisboa, pós-pandemia Covid-19 Abstract:

The present study was conducted between September and December 2021 and aimed to identify perspectives, analyze the barriers to personal and local development, and understand the impact of Covid-19 on the lives of young people aged 15 to 24 residing in the Santa Clara parish
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