João Pinho Baptista
Nome | João Pinho Baptista |
Nota biográfica | João Pinho Baptista é doutorado em Estudos do Desenvolvimento pelo ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Universidade de Lisboa, e professor coordenador do Departamento de Economia no ISAF – Instituto Superior de Administração e Finanças (Luanda, Angola). É licenciado em Economia pelo ISG – Business and Economics School e em Gestão Bancária pelo ISGB – Management Banking School, tendo concluído o mestrado em Estratégias de Investimento e Internacionalização no ISG – Business and Economics School. Atualmente CEO da Bz on Mind – Business Consulting, em Luanda, é membro de organizações profissionais, como a Ordem dos Economistas de Portugal (OE nº 14214), onde detém o título honorífico da OE de Economista Conselheiro. Co-fundador da Agência para o Desenvolvimento da Costa Alentejana, integra o Júri Nacional de Admissão à Ordem dos Contabilistas de Angola, na especialidade de Economia e Finanças. |
Publicações recentes | Livros: • Pinho, João F. (2019), “Satisfaction and Loyalty in Banking – The Importance of Interpersonal Relationship for Loyalty in Portuguese Banking”. ISBN-13: 978-3-639-61610-1 | ISBN-10: 3639616103 | EAN: 9783639616101 | More Books Publication. Artigos: • Pinho, João F. (2024), “Os Enzimas do Crescimento Económico”, Farmhouse Ciência e Tecnoligias – article in the magazine. |
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Name | João Pinho Baptista |
Short Biography | João Pinho Baptista holds a PhD in Development Studies from ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon, and is a coordinating professor in the Department of Economics at ISAF – Instituto Superior de Administração e Finanças (Luanda, Angola). He holds a degree in Economics from ISG – Business and Economics School and in Banking Management from ISGB – Management Banking School, as well as a master’s degree in Investment Strategies and Internationalization from ISG – Business and Economics School. Currently the CEO of Bz on Mind – Business Consulting in Luanda, he is a member of professional organizations such as the Order of Economists of Portugal (OE nº 14214), where he holds the honorary title of Counselor Economist. He is also a co-founder of the Agency for the Development of the Alentejan Coast and a member of the National Admission Jury for the Order of Accountants of Angola, specializing in Economics and Finance. |
Latest Publications | Books: • Pinho, João F. (2019), “Satisfaction and Loyalty in Banking – The Importance of Interpersonal Relationship for Loyalty in Portuguese Banking”. ISBN-13: 978-3-639-61610-1 | ISBN-10: 3639616103 | EAN: 9783639616101 | More Books Publication. Articles: • Pinho, João F. (2024), “Os Enzimas do Crescimento Económico”, Farmhouse Ciência e Tecnoligias – article in the magazine. |
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