Jorge Fernández Vidal – CEsA

Jorge Fernández Vidal


Jorge Fernández Vidal

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Nota biográfica

Jorge é Professor Adjunto de Estratégia na IE Business School e Diretor de Investimentos no Liechtenstein Group, onde é responsável pelo portefólio e investimentos da empresa nos setores de agricultura e alimentação e silvicultura.


Jorge atuou como Vice-Presidente Sênior na McKinsey & Company, liderou os esforços de transformação de negócios da Galp e Abanca, trabalhou como profissional de investimento no Banco Europeu de Investimento, LeapFrog Investments e EBG Capital e como empresário na West África. Ele trabalhou em uma ampla gama de setores (por exemplo, agricultura, bancos, energia, silvicultura, varejo, etc.) e geografias, na Europa, Américas, Ásia, África e Oceania.


Doutorado em Business Economics pela Universidade de Alicante, possui ainda um Bacharel em Comércio (BComm) em Economia pela University College of Cork, uma Licenciatura (BSc) em Contabilidade Aplicada pela Oxford Brookes University e um MBA pelo INSEAD.

Publicações recentes
Áreas de Investigação

Estratégia; Desenvolvimento Económico.

Ciência ID





Jorge Fernández Vidal

Contact E-mail

Short Biography

Jorge is an Adjunct Professor of Strategy at IE Business School and an Investment Director at the Liechtenstein Group, where he is responsible for the firm’s portfolio and investments in the agriculture & food and forestry sectors.


In the past, Jorge has served as a Senior Vice President at McKinsey & Company, led the business transformation efforts of Galp and Abanca, worked as an investment professional at the European Investment Bank, LeapFrog Investments and EBG Capital, and as an entrepreneur in West Africa. He has worked across a wide range of sectors (e.g., agriculture, banking, energy, forestry, retail, etc) and geographies, in Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa and Oceania.


PhD in Business Economics at the University of Alicante, he also holds a BComm (Hons) in Economics from University College of Cork, a BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University and an MBA from INSEAD.

Latest Publications
  • Jorge Fernandez-Vidal, Francesco Antonio Perotti, Reyes Gonzalez, Jose Gasco, “Managing digital transformation: The view from the top”, Journal of Business Research, Volume 152, 2022, Pages 29-41, ISSN 0148-2963,
  • Jorge Fernandez-Vidal, Reyes Gonzalez, Jose Gasco, Juan Llopis, Digitalization and corporate transformation: The case of European oil & gas firms, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 174, 2022, 121293, ISSN 0040-1625,
  • Vidal, J.F. (2021), “Brouges footwear: launching a Ghanian shoe brand”, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 11 No. 4.
  • Vidal, J.F. (2021), “Investing in the Ugandan dairy sector”, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 11 No. 2.
Research fields

Strategy; Economic Development.

Ciência ID




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