Alice Nicole Sindzingre – CEsA

Alice Nicole Sindzingre


Alice Nicole Sindzingre

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Nota biográfica

Alice Nicole Sindzingre é Investigadora Associada no CEPN (Paris-North Economics Centre, University Paris-North, França), e no LAM Research Centre (“Africas in the World”, National Centre for Scientific Research/CNRS-SciencesPo-Bordeaux, França). Lecionou em 2008-2010 na SciencesPo-Paris e em 2010-2014 no departamento de economia da Universidade Paris-Nanterre. Em 2005-2008, ela escreveu a coluna mensal sobre as teorias do desenvolvimento económico no jornal francês Le Monde. Ela foi membro da Equipe Central do Relatório de Desenvolvimento Mundial 2000-1 do Banco Mundial sobre pobreza. Realizou pesquisas sobre economia do desenvolvimento e economia política, bem como trabalho de campo na África Subsaariana (principalmente na África Ocidental). Ela publicou um grande número de artigos em revistas académicas e editou livros sobre uma ampla gama de tópicos, incluindo comércio internacional, integração regional, ajuda externa, relações China-África, armadilhas da pobreza, teoria das instituições e epistemologia da economia.

Publicações recentes
  • Sindzingre, Alice Nicole and Fabrice Tricou, Six Forms of Hierarchy for a Theoretical Analysis of Capitalism, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, forthcoming 2022.
  • Sindzingre, Alice Nicole, Concept and Causation: Issues in the Modelling of Institutions, Forum for Social Economics, Symposium ‘The Complexity of Institutions: Theory and Computational Models’, vol. 50, n°2, pp. 194-213, 2021 (selected as “the best paper published in the Forum for Social Economics in 2021” by the Association for Social Economics’ Patrick J. Welch Award Committee).
  • Sindzingre, Alice Nicole, Truth vs. Justification: Contrasting Heterodox and Mainstream Thinking on Development Via the Example of Austerity in Africa, Berlin, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Institute for International Political Economy Berlin, Working Paper, n°155/2021.
  • Sindzingre, Alice Nicole, Experiments in Economics and their Ethical Dimensions: The Case of Developing Countries, in Wilfred Dolfsma and Ioana Negru eds., The Ethical Formation of Economists, London, Routledge, 2019.
  • Sindzingre, Alice Nicole, Causality, Modelling, Social Norms: among the Theoretical Cores of ‘Heterodox’ Economics?, Journal of Institutional Studies, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 20-37, 2018.
  • Sindzingre, Alice Nicole, Can the Concept of Exploitation be Associated with that of Inferiorisation? A Critical Analysis, Cahiers d’Economie Politique/Papers in Political Economy, vol. 2018/2, n°75, pp. 203-226, 2018.
  • Sindzingre, Alice Nicole, Institutions as a Composite Concept: Explaining their Indeterminate Relationships with Economic Outcomes, Journal of Contextual Economics, vol. 137, n°1-2, pp. 167–192, 2017.
Áreas de Investigação

Economia Política; Economia das Instituições; Epistemologia da Economia; África Subsaariana.

Linha de Investigação

1 – Economia, Desenvolvimento e Cooperação Internacional


Alice Nicole Sindzingre

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Short Biography

Alice Nicole Sindzingre is Research Associate at the CEPN (Paris-North Economics Centre, University Paris-North, France), and at the LAM Research Centre (‘Africas in the World’, National Centre for Scientific Research/CNRS-SciencesPo-Bordeaux, France). She taught in 2008-2010 at SciencesPo-Paris and in 2010-2014 in the department of economics of the University Paris-Nanterre. In 2005-2008, she wrote the monthly column on the theories of economic development in the French newspaper Le Monde. She has been a member of the Core Team of the World Bank World Development Report 2000-1 on poverty. She has conducted research on development economics and political economy as well as fieldwork in Sub-Saharan Africa (mainly in West Africa). She has published a great number of articles in academic journals and edited books on a large range of topics, including international trade, regional integration, foreign aid, China-Africa relationships, poverty traps, the theory of institutions, and the epistemology of economics.

Latest Publications
  • Sindzingre, Alice Nicole and Fabrice Tricou, Six Forms of Hierarchy for a Theoretical Analysis of Capitalism, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, forthcoming 2022.
  • Sindzingre, Alice Nicole, Concept and Causation: Issues in the Modelling of Institutions, Forum for Social Economics, Symposium ‘The Complexity of Institutions: Theory and Computational Models’, vol. 50, n°2, pp. 194-213, 2021 (selected as “the best paper published in the Forum for Social Economics in 2021” by the Association for Social Economics’ Patrick J. Welch Award Committee).
  • Sindzingre, Alice Nicole, Truth vs. Justification: Contrasting Heterodox and Mainstream Thinking on Development Via the Example of Austerity in Africa, Berlin, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Institute for International Political Economy Berlin, Working Paper, n°155/2021.
  • Sindzingre, Alice Nicole, Experiments in Economics and their Ethical Dimensions: The Case of Developing Countries, in Wilfred Dolfsma and Ioana Negru eds., The Ethical Formation of Economists, London, Routledge, 2019.
  • Sindzingre, Alice Nicole, Causality, Modelling, Social Norms: among the Theoretical Cores of ‘Heterodox’ Economics?, Journal of Institutional Studies, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 20-37, 2018.
  • Sindzingre, Alice Nicole, Can the Concept of Exploitation be Associated with that of Inferiorisation? A Critical Analysis, Cahiers d’Economie Politique/Papers in Political Economy, vol. 2018/2, n°75, pp. 203-226, 2018.
  • Sindzingre, Alice Nicole, Institutions as a Composite Concept: Explaining their Indeterminate Relationships with Economic Outcomes, Journal of Contextual Economics, vol. 137, n°1-2, pp. 167–192, 2017.
Research fields

Political Economy; Economics of Institutions; Epistemology of Economics; Sub-Saharan Africa.

Research Line

1 – Economics, Development and International Cooperation

ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management

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  +351 21 392 5983

