Abdulai Sila is a writer and engineer from Guinea-Bissau. He was born on 1st of April 1958 in Catió, in the South of the country, where he finished his basic education. In 1970 he moved to the city of Bissau in order to continue his studies, and it is where he lives now. In 1985 he got his degree in electrical engineering by the Technical University of Dresden (Germany). Since then he participated in many trainings on Informatics and Communication Technologies and is the founder member of many companies in this area and one of the principal promoters of new technologies in Guinea-Bissau. Being one of the most important voices of Guinean literature, he is also a co-founder (with Teresa Montenegro and Fafali Koudwa) of the first private publishing house, Kusimon Editora. His novel Eterna Paixão (Endless Passion, 1994) is considered to be the first novel ever written in Guinea-Bissau. His literary work comprises novels, Eterna Paixão (Endless Passion, 1994), A Última Tragédia (The Last/Ultimate Tragedy, 1995), Mistida (1997), and a drama, inspired by Macbeth, entitled As Orações de Mansata (Mansata's Prayers, 2007).