Categories: Literature Archive, Angola

Categories: Literature Archive, Angola

Categories: Literature Archive, Angola
José Luandino Vieira (born José Vieira Mateus da Graça on May 4th, 1935) is an Angolan writer of short fiction and novels. He was devoted to Angolan independence, resulting in his arrest in 1961 after an interview with the BBC in which he disclosed secret lists of deserters from the Portuguese army fighting in Africa. He would remain in jail for eleven years. After the Angolan independence, Luandino Vieira was nominated for various positions: organized and directed the Popular Television of Angola from 1975 to 1978, directed the Department of Revolutionary Orientation MPLA until 1979; organized and directed the Angolan Institute of Cinema, 1979-1984. In the field of literature, he was one of the founders of the Union of Angolan Writers in 1975, and was its General Secretary since the end of 1980.He was also deputy secretary general of the Association of Afro-Asian Writers, from 1979 to 1984, and later became its secretary general ...